I had a civil exchange with a courteous and open-minded MAGA yesterday, which for me was a welcome change from seeing so many nasty gifs and comments come our way every day. This man took a rational position, but I wasn’t prepared to do a deep dive, and didn’t want to rush a reply.

Today there’s more time, so I thought it might be best to post this open letter and send it to him by DM, but that’s not an option for him, so I’ll just post this, send it as a reply, and hope for the best. Please do add your own thoughtful and respectful comments to flesh out, enhance, and amend the macro points in this letter. Here goes: Why Nominating

Makes Sense Point 1: Donald Trump is unlikely to win the general election (a) Trump is unlikely to beat Biden should he be the nominee. Yes, liberal pollsters are busy pushing the narrative that Trump is beating Biden in the battleground states. But even if this were true for the moment, consider the shitstorms that those same liberal pollsters, the liberal media outlets, the DNC, and last but not least, the Deep State DOJ, are going to unleash should Trump actually secure the nomination. Child’s play, IMHO, compared to what they did to him from 2016 through 2020; (b) What the liberal pollsters aren’t advertising, but what you can see from their internal data, is that Trump gets beaten badly by the generic Democrat, that is, anyone not named Biden. Given this data, and daily watching dead-man-walking Biden on TV, does anyone really think he’s going to be the nominee? Point 2: Donald Trump is unlikely to get much done (a) Even if Trump wins, there’s every reason to believe there will be no “honeymoon” awaiting him in Congress. In fact, the 2020 and 2022 election data strongly suggests that Trump no longer has true coattails, and is likely to face a Congress which is no less divided than it is right now, if not measurably worse; (b) Faced with such a daunting challenge, is it a good idea to have someone in the White House who is clearly showing cognitive signs that his age is starting to catch up with him. No, not as bad as Biden, but won’t the situation demand a much better standard than that? (c) Faced with such a daunting challenge, how will it serve America’s immediate needs to have someone in the White House whose most fervently expressed desire has been to exact revenge rather than actually complete the things he promised to do in 2016; (d) Faced with such a daunting challenge, and even with a focus on achieving things instead of exacting revenge, how will he be able to attract the kind of talented and experienced people needed to thread the needles. Every worthwhile new cabinet member already knows that 40 of Trump’s 44 former cabinet members have refused to endorse him for 2024, and many have explained how insufferable it was to work with him and accomplish things. If it were just a few formers, the claim that they were just disloyal traitors would have merit. But when it’s 40 out of 44, something has to be off with the man at the top. Have new cabinet prospects any reason to believe it will be better this time around, with Trump having 91 felony charges weighing him down? Point 3: DeSantis has already proven he can win the general election Prior to 2022, Florida had been a deeply divided battleground state for decades. But after Ron DeSantis had been Governor there for just 4 years, he won in an historic 20-point landslide by assembling a coalition of voters that included winning the womens vote by 10 points, independents by 18 points, and traditionally democrat Hispanics by a whopping 24-point margin. What reason is there to believe that he can’t do the same thing in the remaining battleground states by telling the same demographic groups all that he promised and delivered upon in Florida? (If your answer is abortion, bear in mind DeSantis has repeatedly advocated that the voters in each State should be the ones who decide how their State should handle that issue ). Most importantly, DeSantis has very smart and well-educated lawyers, like himself, already hard at work examining voter laws in every State and strategizing the best way to either prevent ballot-harvesting in 2024, or beat the Dems at their own game wherever ballot-harvesting remains in play. Point 4: DeSantis has already proven his has long Coattails A key reason why DeSantis won big in 2022 and has gotten so many things done in Florida over the past 12 months is the fact that on his watch, Florida voters have switched their registrations from D to R in droves – from +D 257,175 in 2018 to +R 680,030 as of Nov. 2023, for an astounding total R gain of 937,205 voters. This is compelling evidence of the fact that DeSantis at the top of the R ticket next November is likely to strengthen the R majority in the House and give Rs a working majority in the Senate, and to increase those majorities during his tenure, especially if he serves 2 terms. Point 5: DeSantis has already proven he’s an exceptional Chief Executive The accomplishments of

are almost too numerous to mention – fighting for freedom from Covid tyranny; ridding Florida of China’s influence; reducing Florida’s debt by 25% while creating a multi-billion-dollar surplus, all without an income tax; firing liberal prosecutors, preventing riots, and bringing Florida’s crime rate to a 50-year low; protecting parental rights and insuring that their kids are well educated in the subjects needed to help them succeed, not indocrinated by harmful woke propaganda; etc., etc., etc. In addition, DeSantis is already at work assembling lists of potential cabinet members and others to help him accomplish crucial objectives such as really building the entire wall, really paying for it with Mexican remittances to Mexico, really dismantling the Deep State by going 3 and 4 and 5 levels deep; and really kneecapping the unelected administrative state by severely cutting its workforce and transferring many other unelected Libs to boondocks far away from DC. Point 6: DeSantis would make an exceptional Commander-in Chief Who better than a highly educated decorated veteran trained in mission-focus to make the right moves to restore and rebuild American military might and deploy it to all the right places, most notably to the Indo-Pacific theatre, where China must be held in check from advancing on Taiwan or elsewhere. Point 7: DeSantis would serve 8 years in the prime of his life. If you’ve been paying any attention to what DeSantis has been doing since May 24th, you cannot help but marvel at his extraordinary energy and unwavering determination in the face of relentless opposition from every direction. Have to think one of the things the military taught him was maximum efficiency on maybe 4+ hours of sleep? Imagine having a guy like that in the Oval every single day for two thousand nine hundred and twenty (2,920) consecutive days. THAT is a formula for “getting shit done.” Once again, it would be great to get thoughtful and respectful comments from anyone who feels they have something to contribute which would add more detail, context, and/or points to this letter.

Thanks to all in advance.

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