If You thought “Gay Pride Month” (formerly known as June) was bad, brace yourself for another annual “Gay History Month” in public schools through October, including “Coming Out Day” on the 11th. 

June was for planting the seeds of sexual anarchy in the hearts and minds of the children and teens. October is the harvest, when countless American parents discover that the “Q for Questioning” in LGBTQ actually stands for ReQruitment of their children (which is why conservatives should never add Q to the acronym). 
The cutting edge of the LGBT agenda is now transsexualism, but the catch-all idea of “gayness” remains the “gaytway-drug” to childhood self-identification with perversion. All of the “out and proud” LGBT-based identities begin in the mind, often spawned by LGBT propaganda-driven enticement to sexual experimentation and rebellion (highly alluring to all-too-many hormone-inflamed pubescents). 
Gay History Month (in the controlled social-engineering environment of today’s public schools) is designed both to sell the false narrative of LGBT political activism as “a noble and historic movement for social justice,” and to define a young person’s personal pursuit of “sexual liberation” through “gayness” as an act of moral courage. This explains the delusional zealotry of “woke” youth since the “gay” 1990s (which for many lasts well into adulthood as a life-cause).
Here are some true facts of LGBT history you can cite if you have the courage to fight the homofascists in your school system on behalf of the children they think belong to them by right.  
Let’s start the earliest LGBT pioneer, according to the pre-eminent scholarly journal of the LGBT community since the 1970s, the Journal of Homosexuality, and one of its most respected contributors, Gert Heckma PhD, of the Gay Studies department of the University of Amsterdam. 
In his 1989 article, titled “Sodomites, Platonic Lovers, Contrary Lovers: The Backgrounds of the Modern Homosexual” (Vol. 16, No 1. 1989) Heckma writes:
“The most important…was D.A.F. Marquis de Sade, who based his political philosophy precisely on sodomy…Sade used sodomy as a particularly good example of what seemed to be unnatural, unreasonable and purposeless, but which could in no way be proven to be against nature or reason. Sade’s Philosophy in the Boudoir (1795) was a clear apology for the decriminalization of pederasty [man/boy sex] and sodomy…Sade emphasized that there were no rational arguments against any form of social behavior, be it prostitution, lust murder, or sodomy, and he strongly opposed the suggestion that theft, prostitution, sodomy or lust murder were against nature…
“In 1772, Sade was sentenced to death for sodomizing his manservant and for poisoning prostitutes…Nothing is known about his homosexual proclivities except for the sodomy of his manservant and his writings. But his most scrupulous biographer, Gilbert Lely, has asserted that he was a homosexual with no remorse….It was against…family politics…and the church and its institutions that Sade rebelled — albeit without much success — thus beginning a political struggle for the rights of pederasts.”  (Pederasty is sex between adult men and young teen boys.)
But that was long ago and far away. What about the modern homosexual movement here in America? Let us turn to another unimpeachably pro-“gay” source, the book Gay American History (1976) by Jonathan Katz, winner in 2003 of the Brudner Prize of Yale University, celebrating his “lifetime accomplishment and scholarly contributions in the field of lesbian and gay studies.” From this source we learn that the very first “gay rights” organization in the United States was the American chapter of the German-based Society for Human Rights (SHR), formed in Chicago by a man named Henry Gerber on December 10, 1924 (p.388).  
Gerber had served with the U.S. occupation forces in Germany from 1920 to 1923 and had been involved with the German SHR. Gerber legally chartered the group without revealing its purpose and began publishing a pro-homosexual journal called Friendship and Freedom (p.389), patterned after the German chapter’s publication of the same name (p.632n.). In 1925, however, the organization collapsed when Gerber, Vice President Al Menninger and another member were arrested on charges of sexual abuse of a boy, all three having been turned in by Menninger’s wife. The Chicago Examiner ran a story titled “Strange Sex Cult Exposed,” and spoke of “strange doings” in Menninger’s apartment (p.390-392).
The most prominent member of the German Society for Human Rights in the 1920s and 30s was Ernst Roehm, supreme leader of the dreaded Nazi SA or Storm Troopers. Like Gerber, Roehm was a pederast, a fact documented by the Munich Post and criminal court records.
Gerber’s ideological successor was Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society in 1950, an outspoken defender of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. Hay is considered the “Founder of the Modern Gay Movement.” In The Trouble With Harry Hay, biographer Stuart Timmons wrote approvingly that when NAMBLA was denied a role in the 1986 Los Angeles “Gay Pride Parade,” marcher Harry Hay donned a sweatshirt printed with the legend, “NAMBLA Walks With Me.” Timmons writes that Hay, “could not contain his outrage” that NAMBLA was excluded (p.296).
NAMBLA was a “gay” activist organization started by David Thorstad (founder of the Gay Activist Alliance) and Thomas Reeves who wrote this about the LGBT movement “Almost every one of the early openly homosexual writers was a pederast. Pederasty was a constant theme of early gay literature, art, and pornography. The Stonewall riots were precipitated by an incident involving an underage drag queen, yet that detail was not viewed as significant….Many of the leaders of early gay liberation and the founders of the major gay groups in the U.S. were boy-lovers (Reeves in Pascal, Marc (ed), Varieties of Man Boy Love :47).”
To bring this full circle, Harry Hay was Obama “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings’s inspiration for founding the nation-wide and very powerful Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) that will largely drive the October agenda in the public schools. Jennings himself had indirect ties to NAMBLA and seems to have condoned pederasty.

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