Hi there Arthur Christopher,

Let me level with you…the Oregon Democrats are outraising us because of out-of-state dark money.  Kate Brown and their entire Democrat federal delegation are pouring money into their coffers.  Leftist Billionaires such as George Soros and Tom Steyer are writing big checks and funneling cash into radical activist groups to help them even more.  We just don’t have that luxury…  

Knute Buehler can win this race and take back the Governor’s seat after over two long decades of liberal democrat control.  I need to show our candidates up and down the ballot that the Oregon GOP is strong and will have their backs from now until November and beyond.  

Honestly, I really can’t do that without you.

I’ve set a goal to reach $5,000 by Friday afternoon. I want our candidates to know that we will be side-by-side with them as they door knock and meet voters, and that we will provide them winning resources around the clock.

Are you able to give at least $20 towards this goal? There are over 700,000 registered Republicans in our state and I need YOU and just 249 others to give an immediate $20 to ensure our candidates can win. That’s easy!

I plan on Republicans winning big in Oregon this November, but I can’t do it without your dedication and continued support.

Your friend,

Bill Currier

Click here to give $20 or more towards our goal!
Paid for by the Oregon Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

The Oregon Republican Party is strengthened by supporters like you.
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25375 NW Parkway Ave, Suite 200, Wilsonville, OR 97229
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