Torrance City Council:

It is very disappointing, and in fact quite disturbing, that Councilwoman Sharon Kalani insists on bringing in all of this woke drama to the city of Torrance.

The Torrance City Council should reject her so-called pride resolution.

Mayor Chen did the right thing–and one must acknowledge, the brave thing–by rejecting such a resolution last year as well as this year. He is correct, to the extent that homosexual and transgender behaviors are that … behaviors. They are not innate nor are they genetic. They should not be celebrated on that basis alone. Should we have a Resolution celebrating Smokers and Heroin Addicts, too?

Frankly, I would like to see all the hyphenated-American Month resolutions discarded, but that’s another discussion for another day.

These behaviors: homosexuality, transgenderism, etc., are inherently disordered and harmful. They involve a clear misuse of organs, all too much like shoving a straw up one’s nose to drink or using one’s elbows to scratch one’s ears. The high rates of disease, dysfunction, and death (promiscuity, drug use, other high-risk behaviors) associated with homosexuality and transgenderism are too great to ignore, and they should not be celebrated. Critics will counter-argue: “Well, LGBT people have had to cope with all this discrimination and persecution. That’s why they engaged in all those destructive habits.” The truth is that these dsyfunctional behaviors are all too prevalent among homosexual populations in even the most LGBT affirming countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. The average lifespan of homosexuals declines by 20% compared to the general population. That is not healthy, and that has nothing to do with external social pressures.

These behaviors are borne out of abuse, neglect, confusion, molestation, or shame. No one’s natural rights should be violated because they struggle with these issues, but the solution  is not to celebrate and enable these behaviors. Shame on you, Sharon, for stirring up trouble in this community and celebrating behaviors that harm people, and promote an ideology that harms rather than helps or heals.

In fact, this whole LGBT movement has gotten so perverse, that now activists are demanding the sex mutilation of minors, all under the guise of “gender-affirming care.” There is a better phrase for such acts: child abuse. And now women are being erased in the name of “Transgender Tolerance.” Enough already! The whole LGBT movement is riddled with child abuse. A large majority of homosexuals and transgenders SUFFERED child abuse, and the trauma has not been resolved. How dare anyone enable the ongoing abuse of these poor people!

The destruction of marriage, family, and public order has also come in the wake of this whole LGBT movement, and there is no right or reason for the city council to celebrate any of this. This garbage has gone from the bedroom, to the boardroom, to the classroom, to the courtroom, and now the rest of us don’t have any room. Again: when is enough going to be enough?

And there are specific problems with the resolution, too:

The resolution offered to the city council provides all of this glowing praise surrounding the Stonewall Riots of 1969. That whole narrative is just one more example of the false hagiography that has inflated the whole LGBT movement.

The reason that police officers stormed the Stonewall Inn was due to the fact that it was a mob bar, and the bar was not paying its liquor license. The whole raid had nothing to do with homosexuals and transgenders, but the LGBT movement has turned it into a cause celebre to justify its abusive, agressive, militant agenda.

The resolution also suggests that supporting LGBT “rights” is supporting human rights. That is a lie. There is no civil or natural right to engage in sodomy or cross-dressing. People are born black, white, Hispanic, etc. People are not born homosexual nor are they born in the wrong body.

You can check out these testimonies for proof that LGBT is not forever, either:

Formerly Gay Man Could Go to Jail After Sharing Testimony of Finding God, Embracing Bible

Former Gay Man Exposes the Truth about the LGQTB Agenda

Jeffrey’s Story: Ex-Transgender with Regret

Ex-‘Drag Queen’ shares his story – what that lifestyle is really like

Reject this resolution immediately, and never bring it back.

Sharon Kalani should save face and just withdraw this item once for all.

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