**demo version currently and being edited**
The Church of England has created a one minute advert to be broadcast in most cinemas (Odeon, Cineworld and Vue – 80 per cent of all screens in the UK) during the launch of the new Star Wars film.

Open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, head of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

This letter was previously sent directly to Archbishop Welby, but was evidently not shown to him. The reply from a “safeguarding officer” was a form letter that failed to address the issues raised. Believing those issues to be important, the undersigned invites concerned persons and/or organizations to repost it.

Dear Archbishop,

I write as a practising Christian man born in England, baptised and raised in the Anglican Church, who is a survivor of multiple incidents of childhood sexual abuse by homosexual men, including an Anglican priest (name will be supplied on request).

I was dismayed to read in a recent newspaper report that you “joyfully” welcomed proposals to bless same-sex married couples. What, I ask, is there to be joyful about when there is clear evidence that homosexuality embraces blatantly unhealthy, injurious and, in some cases, vicious practices, and that its victims include many children?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the leading United States public health service organization, regularly publishes detailed statistics about sexual health. Results of surveys differ, but it is probable that homosexuals and bisexuals actually comprise no more than 3.5% of the population — far less than LBGTQ+ propaganda routinely claims. Asexuals are estimated to comprise less than 1%, so 95.5% are heterosexual, i.e normal (typical, usual, or ordinary). These numbers are intended to place the following statistics in context. The numbers vary slightly from year to year but the CDC have reported that:

Males (including boys) who have sex with men (MSM), most of whom are homosexual rather than bisexual, accounted for 70% (22,400) of the 32,100 estimated new HIV infections in the USA, and 86% of estimated infections among all males (2021).

The estimated lifetime risk for HIV infection among MSM is one in six, compared with heterosexual men at one in 524 and heterosexual women at one in 253.

HIV negative MSM are 20 times more likely to be diagnosed with anal cancer.

MSM are significantly more likely than heterosexual men to have gonorrhoea (30.31% vs. 19.83%), early syphilis (1.08% vs. 0.34%) and anal warts (2.90% vs. 0.26%). They also account for 55% of all HIV infections while representing only between 2% and 6.8% of the U.S. population, and are infected with intestinal parasites at more than four times the rate of heterosexual men. In the case of the relatively new viral infection human mpox (popularly called monkeypox), the CDC reports that 94% of cases reported recent male-to-male sexual or intimate contact.

While sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect individuals of all ages, STDs take a particularly heavy toll on young people. The CDC estimates that youth ages 15-24 account for almost half of the 26 million new sexually transmitted infections that occurred in the United States in 2018. By the current United Nations definition of a child (i.e. a human under the age of 18), this means that nearly eight million of those newly infected were very likely children.

Dr. John Diggs, a medical doctor and Christian from South Hadley, Massachusetts, has been treating homosexual men and women since the HIV/AIDS outbreak in the early 1980s. He has  warned that society has been too quick to accept the homosexual lifestyle — ignoring the serious medical, psychological and possibly deadly risks and consequences for those who engage in homosexuality. Inter alia he has written that (apart from the diseases I have already mentioned) the following diseases have extraordinary frequency among “gay” men: chlamida trachomatis, cryptosporidium, giarda lamlia, herpes simplex virus, isopora belli, viral hepatitis types B & C. Further, he has stated: “The transmission of some of these diseases are (sic) so rare among heterosexuals as to be virtually unknown.”

Sadly, despite his decades of dedicated work, Dr. Diggs has been mendaciously denigrated by some homosexuals as being a homophobe, as indeed, have the authors of many of the studies I cite, and as I, too, have been for my 2012 book on the homosexual abuse of minor children Gay Lies — Sad Truths (Huxley’s Books, ASIN:  B009PNKYI6). Such wholesale disparagement is, of course, not surprising given the the concerted efforts by homosexual advocacy groups (the “gay” lobby to suppress criticism and to cancel — i.e. to harm — those who seek to tell what to them are unpalatable truths.

Unfortunately, many people, including large numbers of Christians, appear to have swallowed the lobby’s propaganda and have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into accepting the dogma that any critique of homosexual culture, regardless of how genuinely well intentioned or justified, is per se a mark of intolerance, oppression and even hatred.

Among aspects of homosexual conduct that are surely not just antithetical to joyfulness but are downright evil and therefore justify severe criticism, is the intentional transmission of HIV (and other diseases) by HIV-positive men to their HIV-negative sex partners. Variously called generationing, stealthing and/or (contemptuously) gift-giving, this results principally from “barebacking”, a not uncommon practice in which the penetrator purposely engages in unprotected anal sex. Who would do that and why, you may ask? Well, ballet dancers Rudolf Nureyev and Gary Burne, and singer Freddie Mercury were all notoriously reputed to be gift givers. All three died prematurely without, so far as I am aware, regretting that their callous appetites can hardly have failed to infect some (many?) of their sex partners with life-shortening diseases. One hopes that these “lovers” were at least consenting adults, even if they were not fully informed as to what they were consenting.

Children under 16 in the UK cannot, by law, consent to sexual activity. It nevertheless happens on a very large scale. Data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in January 2020 shows about 709,000 men in England and Wales were victims of sexual abuse before the age of 16. As most studies indicate that the majority of child sexual abusers (at least 80%) are male, then MSM are likely to account for more than 567 000 of these cases.

Is this not also evil? It seems to me to be perfectly clear that Jesus considered it so, given his injunction in Luke 17:2 (and a similar one in Matthew 18): “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

LGBTQ+ communities, from either ignorance or dishonesty, routinely deny that homosexuals are unduly attracted to children as sex partners, and endlessly repeat that the majority of sex offenders against children are heterosexual. This is misleading and deceitful, however much the innumerate may be taken in by it.

Firstly, as can be calculated from figures given above, heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals and bisexuals more than 27 times.

Numerous studies attest to the proportionally far higher rate of sexual activity between homosexuals and children than between heterosexuals and children. For instance, a study published in the learned journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that: “Pedophilia appears to have a greater than chance association with two other statistically infrequent phenomena. The first of which is homosexuality… Surveys estimate the prevalence of homosexuality, among men attracted to adults, in the neighbourhood of 2%. In contrast, the prevalence of homosexuality among pedophiles may be as high as 30% to 40%.” ( Blanchard, Ray et al: Pedophiles: Mental Retardation, Maternal Age, and Sexual Orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, April 1999 [Volume 28, Number 2], pages 111-127, <www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10483505>)

The findings are supported by other peer-reviewed studies, e.g.:

A study by Groth and Birnbaum found that approximately one-third of all cases of child molestation involve an underage boy and an adult male.  (A Nicholas Groth and H Jean Birnbaum: Adult Sexual Orientation and Attraction to Underage Persons, Archives of Sexual Behavior 7, no. 3 (1978): 175. <www.springerlink.com/content/tr7388256l7437xh/>

A study by Freund and Watson found that in North America homosexuals account for more than 33% of all reported child molestations. (Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, pp. 327-37, cited by Frank Joseph, MD, in his Internet post Everyone Should Know these Statistics on Homosexuals. <www.traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/a02rStatistcs.html>

A follow-up study by Freund et al noted that “… the proportion of sex offenders against male children among homosexual men is substantially larger than the proportion of sex offenders against female children among heterosexual men… the development of pedophilia is more closely linked with homosexuality than with heterosexuality.” (Freund, Kurt et al: Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, and Erotic Age Preference. Journal of Sex Research, February 1989, Volume 26, Number 1, pages 107-117. <www.jstor.org/stable/3813052>)

Using the figures that present the least bad case, i.e. the case that reflects the lowest rate of child sexual abuse, then: Homosexuals and bisexuals, who are currently reckoned to constitute no more than 3.5% of the population (though LBGTQ+ sources claim it is higher), commit 30% of reported child molestations. Simple subtraction tells us that heterosexuals, who constitute the 95.5% of the population, commit 70% all reported child molestations. This means that, at the very least, homosexuals and bisexuals perpetrate child sexual abuse at more than 11 times the rate that heterosexuals do. The actual figure is thought by some researchers — and may well be — even higher.

Another important and entirely separate study also points to the significantly higher level of depravity exists among homosexuals than heterosexuals. The study Do Those Who Engage In Homosexual Sex More Frequently Rape and Murder The Underage? A Test Of Traditional Moralit, was published in the Empirical Journal of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior Volume 1 No. 20, © 2007. It concerns the rape and murder of children, and is based on an analysis of newspaper reports indexed by LexisNexis, the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public records information.

In the 25 years from 1980 to 2005, 668 reports about the rape and murder of children (again defined as those under the age of 18) were analysed in more than 50 major newspapers indexed by Lexus-Nexus. The analyses found that 202 (or 30%) of those stories involved perpetrators who engaged in homosexual sex, and that “about three-quarters” of all the children victimized were aged under 13.

30% is, please recall, the same proportion that has found to have been perpetrators of other varieties of child sexual abuse. So, by the same arithmetical process, homosexuals are more than 11 times more likely to rape and/or murder children than are heterosexuals.

It is important to note that denial that sexual activity between adults and children is harmful is common among pederasts, paedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles, homosexuals and their supporters. Peter Tatchell, a self-identified homosexual activist with whom you claim to have held a “constructive dialogue”, has (despite later protestations and “clarifications”) vehemently sought to minimize the perception that the sexual abuse of children causes them harm.

In a speech to the Sex and Law Conference in Sheffield in 2010, he said: “Despite what the puritans and sex-haters say, under-age sex is mostly consenting, safe and fun. It does not result in any damage. If there is harm caused, it is usually not as a result of sex per se.”

That this is a long-held view is clear from Tatchell’s 1997 letter to The Guardian defending the book Dares to Speak: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Boy-love edited by Joseph Gerachi, which states that it “offers a rational, informed perspective on sexual relations between younger and older people” and documented “examples of societies where consenting inter-generational sex is considered normal, beneficial and enjoyable by old and young alike.”

Tatchell has stated elsewhere, including on his own website, that:

“… the positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to Western cultures.”

“… it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.”

Reinforcement of this view is apparent in an interview, again posted on his website, with “Lee”, whom he describes as a“bright, articulate, sure-of-himself, and mature beyond his years” 14 year-old who claimed to have been having sex with boys since the age of 8, and with men since he was 12.

Further, in a fulsome obituary Tatchell described Ian Dunn, a co-founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), an organisation that, before it disbanded, campaigned to legalize sex between adults and children, and to promote acceptance and understanding of adults having sex with children, as a “pioneer for lesbian and gay human rights, remaining a central figure in the battle for homosexual equality…for 30 years.”

In a chapter he wrote for the book Betrayal of Youth, or BOY, edited by the vice-chairman of PIE and paedophile ring member Warren Middleton (also known as John Parratt, who was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment after being convicted of making drawings of children being raped), Tatchell stated that the concept of an age of majority serves no purpose other than “reinforcing a set of increasingly quaint, minority moral values left over from the Victorian era.”

Since the adverse publicity generated by the exposure of the perverted activities of members of such groups as PIE and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), many proponents of LBGTQ+ causes have denied having ever supported paedophilia or paedosexuality (in general usage, both terms include pederasty). One of the strongest denials appears in an undated post published online by USA Today, which has the fourth-largest circulation of any newspaper in the USA. The article, headlined “Fact check: LGBTQ community rejects false association with pedophiles” quotes Rich Ferraro, chief communications officer of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), who states, inter alia: “No LGBTQ organization has condoned pedophilia…”

This is simply untrue as any competent and honest fact-checker could have established within minutes, if not seconds.

The Gay Activists Alliance not merely condoned paedophilia, it was instrumental in founding NAMBLA, while Zymurgy, Inc., an LBGTQ+ non-profit company (not to be confused with the brewing company of that name) fronted for NAMBLA in order to allow the association to benefit illegally from its tax-exempt status for the spreading of its baleful credo.

The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA), which has a North American & Caribbean chapter and United Nations consultative status, formerly represented NAMBLA among more than 1,600 affiliated organisations worldwide. ILGA actively campaigns for adult-child sex via the elimination of  “all laws and policies … that limit the exercise of bodily autonomy, including laws limiting legal capacity of adolescents to provide consent to sex”. The World Health Organization, please note, defines adolescent as “those between the ages of 10 and 19.

Among the most egregious and uncompromising condonations — indeed, it amounted to a full-on endorsement —of paedophilia by a United States LGBTQ+ organization was a conference held at Tufts University on the 25th of March 2000. Called “Teach-Out”, but better known as “Fistgate”, it was organized by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which was founded by President Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar”, Kevin Jennings, a proselytizing homosexual. Children as young as 12 were encouraged to attend, and many were bussed in from around Massachusetts to meet homosexual and paedophile activists from across the country. The conference received its cognomen after Margot E. Abels, an employee of the Massachusetts Department of Education, gave children at a workshop a graphic account of “fisting” (inserting an entire hand into another’s anus or vagina), which she described as “a very emotional and intense experience.”

In Britain, PIE received support from, among other organizations, the Albany Trust (which was founded to complement the Homosexual Law Reform Society), the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Left (a collective of  “gay” men and a socialist journal of the same name) and the Spartacus International Gay Guide.

Other paedophile groups having links with LBGTQ organizations are numbered among the 40 associations on Wikipedia’s List of Pedophile Advocacy Organizations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pedophile_advocacy_organizations).

As previously noted, Tatchell is a particularly fervent advocate of lowering the age of consent for homosexual sex. One key consequence of the Labour Party’s legislation (Blair’s Buggery Bill, as it was appropriately called) to bring this about was that, in the decade from 1999 (the year before the homosexual age of consent was reduced to 16) and 2008, the annual number of new cases of sexually transmitted diseases soared. During 2008, 7,298 people were diagnosed with HIV in the UK — more than double that of 1999, according to the international HIV and AIDS charity AVERT. And, according to the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA), a major cause of the rise in the incidence of STDs in the UK was an increase in unsafe sexual behaviour among young people, those aged 16-24 years being most at risk. (Sexually transmitted Infections and Young People in the United Kingdom: 2008 Report, HPA Centre for Infections, July 2008.)

Many who claim to be Christians apparently agree with much of what Tatchell preaches. Despite his frequent and virulent attacks on Christianity, he received a standing ovation at the 2010 Greenbelt Festival. How many of those who stood and applauded had accepted his false statements on the harmlessness of adult-child sex, I wonder?

Fortunately, most members of the 2014 Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse established by the UK government did not. The high risk of disease aside, among their findings were also:

Child Sexual Abuse can have wide-ranging and serious consequences. For some victims these effects endure throughout adult life. Child sexual abuse can affect psychological and physical well-being, family and intimate relationships, faith, and education and career. Victims and survivors can also be two to four times more likely to become victims of sexual, physical or emotional abuse again in their lifetime.

One of the most profound effects of child sexual abuse is the damaging impact it can have on the ability to form and maintain close, loving relationships &#8210; both intimate and platonic. It can affect the relationships that victims and survivors have at the time of the sexual abuse and for the rest of their lives. They may find it difficult to talk to partners, family and friends about the sexual abuse, preventing others from being able to help and offer support. 42% of victims and survivors who participated in the Truth Project have said that child sexual abuse has adversely affected the relationships they have with others.

Child sexual abuse can cause difficulties in forming intimate and trusting relationships. Relationships can remind victims and survivors of the sexual abuse, and there may be emotional barriers that make it difficult to talk about sexual abuse with partners.

There is much more I could write, but I shall end by asking you to acknowledge that a large number of Anglicans and you personally, despite your many good works, have exhibited reprehensible moral and intellectual cowardice in the face of the ongoing woke assault on Christian teachings and civilized values. I strongly suggest that much more than a pallid apology and passive repentance are required. You and others in the church need to take urgent action to ameliorate the great damage you have caused by failing to resist the spread of this pernicious culture.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Charles White

[Mr. White was born in the United Kingdom, and currently lives in South Africa. MassResistance received his incredible letter earlier this week,

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