“And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.” (Genesis 19:9)

Jan Michael-Sanchez is one of a contingent of LGBT activists indoctrinated by perverse adults, who because of the bad reinforcement from those same adults are now mouthing off at other adults, harassing them, doing indignities to men and women in authority.

This kind of disrespect must be confronted, and confronted without respite.

Truth be told, I now DEMAND to speak with this kid’s parents. And more adults, more individuals who care about faith, family, and freedom should not take a back seat to allowing this kind of disrespect and delusion to go unchallenged.

As expected, after I exposed and shamed Jan-Michael for abusing his body and shaming himself and others, he felt compelled to justify himself. He wrote and reposted a response on my blog FOUR TIMES.

Oh brother indeed–where DO we begin?!

Talk about obsessive. Here are his remarks (in bold), and here are the necessary responses:

 Oh boy, where do I even begin?1) That was a Halloween filter that I had for my profile picture back in October. Are you insisting that I’m creepy, while you had a shirtless profile picture of me saved in your camera roll for 2 months?Jan puts a “shirtless” profile picture of himself on the Internet, on line. That is his fault. Why does he go out of his way to talk about being shirtless? Why does he think it’s OK to take pictures of himself “shirtless” and post them on social media in the first place, then get upset when the photo is shared? Where are the parents in this mess? The parents should be ashamed of themselves for letting him degrade himself in such a fashion.

2) There is no LGBT agenda and we do not force anyone to be LGBT. I have no mental health issues, and you need to stop stigmatizing it. Coming out lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders, and I have never been happier at any other period of time in my life. It is insulting that you assume that I have mental health issues without knowing me at all. I have never assumed any such thing of you, and I refuse to. I will not sink down to your level.WRONG!
There is indeed an agenda. It’s gotten so brazen, that the California state legislature just passed a law that will allow predators to prey on minors and AVOID the sex offender registry. The legislation was promoted by openly gay state senator Scott Weiner as a “pro-LGBT bill”.
Two years prior, the state of California tried to pass legislation to criminalize reparative therapy, which saves lives. The original legislation was so broad, it would have banned the Bible, since that book and other holy talks about the right and goodness of natural marriage, life, and family, while discouraging harmful practices like homosexuality and other forms of sexual promiscuity.
LGBT activists push the lie constantly about being “born that way.” The science, the research, the statistical evidence, the testimonies of men and women who have left those behaviors, militantly dictates otherwise. People are born with natural affection, which become distorted or suppressed due to sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.

“It is insulting that you assume that I have mental issues.” It’s not an assumption. It’s a fact. Individuals who want to “flaunt their gayness”, who want to normalize behaviors that are inherently destructive, indicate a mental illness.
What’s truly insulting is that LGBT activists insist on playing victim. 
The tone and tenor of the language used in this post–“huge weight lifted off my shoulders”–implies that some activist adult wrote these remarks, and Jan Sanchez is merely copying and pasting them.
3) Why do you insist that I harassed the Hispanic woman? She came to us and tried running over my friend just because we had BLM signs. You saw the video. The lady was talking over us the whole time. I did nothing to provoke her generalizing me as Mexican. Then when one of my friends tells her that African Americans have been oppressed, the lady responds with “No they have not!” This isn’t an opinion, this is straight up ignorance and bigotry. I had 2 witnesses that day, yet you’re here lying to your base with your conspiracies and 0 witnesses. Make it clear that your base knows that you’re lying.Check out the video, and anyone can see that the Hispanic lady did not threaten him or anyone else. More gaslighting. Once again, LGBT youth and adults alike are taught to make themselves perennial victims. It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault. They have been taught not take responsibility for their lives. And for this reason, by and large, people who struggle with LGBT behaviors suffer higher incidences of disease, dysfunction, and death.

4)Dox her? She had the phone number and name of her business on her car. It’s not doxing if the information is right in front of our faces. Anyway, it’s hypocritical that you suddenly condemn doxing after you doxed my friend earlier today.Doxxing: sharing people’s private information (home addresses) with the public in order to physically intimidate or cause violence.
Jan and Nico and other LGBT militants go out of their way to expose people to harm and danger by sharing their private information or to shame them so that they are forced out of their work.
I had every right to share the phone number of that abusive individual Nico Lyon. He called me and gave me vicious rhetoric. I had every right to correct him.
5)I only made my account private because I was freaked out by you stalking my account. I don’t want men 3 times my age to be stalking my Twitter for a 6 month old video. I’m even more compelled to keep it private now, because you feel that it is acceptable to keep a shirtless picture of me in your camera roll for months. Sounds pretty gay to me, Arthur.

It’s really interesting how LGBT militants will use homosexuality as a slur or an insult: “Sounds pretty gay to me …” So, Jan is finally understanding that homosexuality is not a good thing? It’s almost as if they know that the behaviors are wrong. “Stalking” implies a physcial following. Social media is immediately available to the public, and it does not require physical, persistent following.
Perhaps a dictionary definition is appropriate:
To stalk: “to follow or approach (game, prey, etc) stealthily and quietly. to pursue persistently and, sometimes, attack (a person with whom one is obsessed, often a celebrity)”
I have not done that at all. Once again, LGBT militants, whether young or old, insist on playing victim. Jan talks about being “freaked out”. The truth is he was “found out”, i.e. more people in the public go to see the rude, abusive, hateful things that he does to other people just because they have a point of that he does not share.
6)Again with the hypocrisy. You call me ignorant when you tell lies about the LGBT community, demonize us, and disagree with our existence. You call me disrespectful when you write a dehumanizing article about me, a teenager, who did nothing but defend his best friend. If anything, you’re abusing me because I did not consent to you publishing an article about me. You’re completely contradicting yourself.
I would invite anyone and everyone to read MassResistance’s book “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality” for a comprehensive compendium of all natural, biological, statistical, and epidemiological evidence which affirms that homosexuality and transgenderism are harmful behaviors.
The syndemic spread of veneral disease in homosexual populations is so well-documented, that even the local press has reported a number of times about the growing threats posed by the massive spread of veneral disease among homosexuals and bisexuals. Notice he keeps talking about a so-called LGBT “community”. The truth is that sexual deviance and perversion cannot define a community, since the behaviors and the mindsets which foment those behaviors are inherently destructive.
Once again, Jan plays victim, and wants portray Nico as a victim. In reality, we are living in a culture where there is so much homosexual privilege, that everyday people feel scared or face sanction for speaking out against this agenda.
7)I don’t appreciate that you brought my parents into this conversation when they have done nothing wrong. Honestly you’ve gone so low if you have to do that to prove a point. Don’t tell me that I’m “so given over to bigotry and hate” when you hate —or better said, DESPISE — me for absolutely nothing besides being gay. At no point did I disrespectful anyone in the slightest, and here you are humiliating and bullying me online for nothing other than my sexuality.I reserve my most damning indictments for last here. On the contrary, Jan’s parents do indeed have much to answer for. They have allowed their disrespecful, impudent son to behave in such a self-dishonoring manner. He thinks that he is born to abuse his body with other men. This is bad. This is wrong. I am more angry with his shameful parents for letting him act like an arrogant fool–and apparently he has not even graduated from high school yet.
When will people get it through their unthinking, thick heads: there is no such thing as “being gay”. It is downright shameful that LGBT activists actively erase people who have abandoned the whole homosexual scene, break free of the emotional hurts, harms, and traumas, and they are set free.
YET AGAIN, Jan wants to play victim: “You are humiliating and bullying me online for nothing other than my sexuality.” I must repeat, this retort sounds as though he copied it from an LGBT activist adult. The erudition of some of these respects does not come from a high school student … necessarily. Of course, this should come as no surprise. LGBT activists take advantage of kids all the time to push their agenda, to plead for or play off of sympathies from others so that they can further their cause.
It’s quite distressing and disturbing, to put it mildly.
And I will circle back to the parents. If they really did care about their son, they would help him #ComeOut of that destructive lifestyle and #ComeHome to the truth that he will not find what he is looking via consummation of same-sex temptations.
Last of all, I do not have Jan-Michael Sanchez, nor do I despise him. I feel sorry for him, all the more because it falls to me to give him a taste of his own medicine, since his parents never bothered to discipline him themselves, not to teach him to value his own body.
In conclusion Arthur, I am deeply disturbed that you have mistreated me this way. As the above person stated, you are acting in the exact same manner you claim to disapprove of. Doxing, ignorance, shaming, harassing, disrespect, and bigotry are all words that can be clearly attributed to you in this post. Please take down this article immediately and show some respect.

Jan-Michael Sánchez
No, will not take down anything that I have written. This remonstrance is necessary.
To paraphrase Ben Shapiro, I am punching back, twice as hard–and Jan-Michael Sanchez can’t handle it, because he and other arrogant, insolent high school wannabe social justice warriors are not used to adults throwing back at them.
Too bad. When he can demonstrate some self-respect, stop abusing his body with the same sex, give up the lies that LGBT is a healthy, acceptable form of being, and come home to truth, then he can lecture others on respect.
MassResistance will continue to take a stand and make the difference, against bigotry, hatred, and lies from young and old alike.

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