Dear Arthur, Big Labor suffered a huge setback in November, when millions of
rank-and-file workers refused to support the union bosses’ handpicked
How about that? Remember when Crooked Hillary was lamenting to major labor bosses who she should be 50 points ahead? Talk about strident and desperate! For eight long years, Barack Obama repaid his Big Labor benefactors by
packing the courts and bureaucracies with forced-dues partisans who expanded
union-boss power over workers. Now, a new President is in the White House, and new appointees will be
able to reverse that damage.
Reverse the damage, yes, and chart a new course where the voter franchise of individual citizens is no longer under attack from collective bargaining units buying politicians and bribing them to vote in the best interests of limited special interests.
That works for me. After Donald Trump was elected, National Right to Work Foundation
researchers immediately started to vet potential nominees to key judicial and
administrative appointments — including the U. S. Supreme Court. In fact, just days after the election, the transition team and others
on Capitol Hill began requesting our research on potential appointees.
Excellent! Strong interest groups fighting for the rights of all citizens understand that their work does not end after an election. Right-to-work states, including KentuckyLet me remind you what’s at stake. As you may recall, last year the United States Supreme Court appeared
set to rule in the Friedrichs case that forcing civil servants to pay union
dues or “fees” as a condition of employment violates the First
Amendment. That changed after Justice Antonin Scalia’s sudden death.
Rebecca Friedrichs has become a star because she stood up to the corrupt and oppressive California Teachers Association. California Republicans and activists throughout the state have tried as hard as they can to upend the union rules which allow syndicates to run Sacramento.
The rigging of California’s elections has to cease, and the power of the purse has been snatched from the law-abiding citizens who pay all the bills.
At this point, California needs federal intervention, and a good Supreme Court decision upholding out First Amendment rights is exactly what we need. But now, if a new Supreme Court Justice akin to Antonin Scalia takes
his seat on the Court, victory in a follow-up Foundation lawsuit cutting off
BILLIONS of forced-dues dollars paid by public employees is once again within
our grasp. Meanwhile, with your support, the National Right to Work Foundation can
unleash new lawsuits and agency charges to repeal the Obama Administration’s
giveaways to Big Labor and win landmark new protections for working men and
women across the country.
YES! Of course, this is no time for us to become complacent. We must stay vigilant against union-boss schemes to protect their
forced-unionism power, such as their nationwide legal assaults against state
Right to Work laws. Thank you for your continued support as we enter this new window of
opportunity to achieve historic victories against forced unionism. Sincerely, Mark MixPresident, National Right To Work Foundation

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