As we approach the end of the calendar year, we are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy at all the victories 2022 has brought. THANK YOU for your support and passion that has made this progress possible!

We are excited to share with you both new victories that happened just this week, as well as previous victories from the year you may have missed. Stay tuned for more!

YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Remove Pornhub’s Account

In September, Instagram agreed to remove Pornhub’s account from its platform after NCOSE, along with our allies, shared evidence of Pornhub’s criminality with Instagram officials. This week, we succeeded in convincing TikTok and Youtube to remove Pornhub’s account as well! 

These are crucial victories, as Pornhub’s presence on these social media platforms risked driving users to the Pornhub site, where survivors’ trauma would be perpetuated through continued views and downloads of the abuse imagery. It also risked exposing the many children who frequent Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube to damaging sexually explicit content that normalizes violence and abuse.

Sign the petitions to thank YouTube and TikTok for being the latest companies to cut ties with Pornhub.

Now we need your help getting Pornhub off of Twitter! Sign the petition to ask Twitter to follow the example of their industry peers in booting Pornhub’s account. 

Ask Twitter to Cut Ties with Pornhub

Making Schools Safer, One Bill at a Time

Schools should be one of the safest places a child can be. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. In fact, schools are often where traffickers go to groom and exploit children.

That’s where the No Trafficking Zones (NTZ) Act comes in. This exciting new legislation, which NCOSE helped passed in the House in September 2022, seeks to make school zones safer by increasing the punishment for trafficking-related offenses that are committed in a school zone or near a school sponsored event. 

Passing the NTZ Act through the House is a huge victory – now we need your help to pass it through Congress! Contact your members of Congress today.

Learn More about the NTZ Act
Contact your Members of Congress


Even as we celebrate victories, we can’t lose sight of what still needs to be accomplished. We humbly ask your help with the following pressing causes:

Sign the Petition Against Decriminalizing Sex Buying, Pimping, and Brothel Keeping in South Africa!

This week, the Minister of Justice of South Africa announced a bill to fully decriminalize the sex trade in South Africa – including decriminalizing sex buying, pimping, and brothel keeping.

If passed, this bill would be catastrophic, opening South Africa up to an explosion of prostitution and sex trafficking, and a normalization of the violence and predation that are inherent in the sex trade.

We urgently ask you to please SIGN and SHARE this petition protesting the bill BEFORE TUESDAY, DEC 20, 2022.

Sign the Petition
The pro-prostitution lobby is circulating a petition in support of the bill that has already garnered 3,000+ signatures. Let’s make sure that the petition for the right side garners thousands of signatures as well!

Act Now to TRIPLE the Impact of Your Gift!

If you move quickly, any gift you give to NCOSE will be TRIPLED by a generous matching grant! This offer applies to all gifts made in the month of December.

We humbly ask your support as we strive to build on the momentum of this year’s victories. Thanks to your help, we have made great progress – but much still needs to be done if the free world we all hope for is to become a reality.

NCOSE is outgunned financially in this fight, often going toe-to-toe with sexual exploitation businesses and tech companies that are armed with billions of dollars. It is crucial that we continue to be able to show up for the battle with the needed resources.

We have the team, the arguments, and the strategy for victory. We just need the ammunition!

THANK YOU for considering a triple-impact gift!

Triple My Gift Now
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