For what it’s worth, President Trump and his attorney general Jeff Sessions did the best that the could with a very difficult situation: DACA.

President Trump initiated a lawless program by executive order, which should have resided with Congress. This Deferred Action nonsense was nothing more than a cheap attempt to bring in more Democratic votes and create a perennial wedge issue to help the Democratic Party hold onto whatever power they had left.

Now the program has been rescinded, and in spite of different court actions either reviving or striking down the program, the people who could use the program cannot even afford to enroll in it.

This is a report out of New Mexico, where a considerable illegal alien population resides:

Thousands of DACA students can’t afford renewal applications


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – More than 6,000 young immigrants living in New Mexico are eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, but some are struggling to sign up.


About a year ago, President Donald Trump announced a plan to end the Obama-era program. However, back-and-forth court battles have kept the program alive.


According to a recent survey, about 64,000 DACA recipients – or four in 10 – admit to being too scared to register given the president’s stance on immigration.

They should be scared. Enough is enough. It is unconstitutional and unconscionable for the federal agencies to continue using this corrupt program. It needs to be shut down for good.

No more illegal immigration, and no more amnesty.


Meanwhile, officials with the New Mexico Dream Team told KOB that other students can’t afford the $495 renewal fee.

In other words this whole program is too costly on so many levels. It’s costly in terms of the rule of law, in that people in this country illegal should not be getting a free pass to continue flouting our election laws.

And it’s costly in that the illegals cannot afford it. That is fine with me. It’s time for these illegal aliens, regardless of their age, to self-deport. If the press reports on these “sob stories” as something to inspire pity or compassion, they are sadly mistaken.


“At the moment, we’re not able to hand out any scholarships just because of the funding,” said Flaviano Graciano, the group’s communications director. “A lot of these kids are in school and don’t have a job and their parents worked to support their families so they don’t have that money to allocate for that specifically.”

Now universities are paying for this corruption? Where are they getting the money from? This is outrageous! What about American students? What about the right of citizens to ensure that their children as well as they themselves are able to get an education and take advantage of every privilege which belongs to citizens, not illegal aliens.


The New Mexico Dream team has helped 230 DACA recipients renew their applications.

New Mexico Dream is apart of the illegal alien nightmare which needs to be confronted. Where are they getting their money from? Indeed.


“It’s like a vicious cycle, right? They need this to find a job but they can’t afford to do it,” Graciano said. “Our organization has really focused on providing them with that financial resource for anybody who wants to renew to be able to do so.”

Time to pull the plug.

DACA is over. Illegal immigration is coming to an end in this country, and these lawless programs which enabled this border-breaking lawlessness are going bankrupt, too.

I wonder what is happening in other states and with illegal aliens in this states who want to purchase a DACA permit, but cannot …

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