My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am a proud member of MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference. My last name is “Schaper,” not “Sharp,” Mayor Trujillo, so get it right!

On behalf of our organization, including our many activists in the city of Downey and throughout Los Angeles County, we want to thank the city of Downey for doing the right thing by passing a neutral flag policy.

During the May 14th, 2024 city council meeting, Mayor Trujillo attacked Downey residents, including our activists here in the city, and called them a “hate group.” He tried to hide behind the so-called “Southern California Poverty Law Center.”

They are a law firm based in Anaheim, California, and they have not issued such a defamatory label against us. The fact is that Mayor Trujillo, who claims to be part of this whole “Love is Love” movement, was the one displaying hate.

He forced this pride flag onto the community, when Downey residents had spoken out against it three years ago. He and his corrupt, felonious crony Catherine Alvarez, were never interested in serving the entire Downey Community, but rather wanted to push their limited, hateful, dishonest LGBT agenda on the city.

Mayor Trujillo got two things right. The neutral flag policy was an attack on the pride flag, because there was an appropriate flag policy in place before he and his liberal colleagues insisted on forcing other flags on the community. And yes, MassResistance is a well-organized pro-family organization.

It is really shameful that Mayor Trujillo used his position to attack mothers, fathers, immigrants, and Downey residents in general because they did not want to fly the pride flag in the city. It’s really laughable that he calls MassResistance “anti-immigrant,” because we have many immigrants in our activist organization. In fact, in some of our activist groups, we have more immigrants than native-born citizens!

Last of all, it’s obscene that Mayor Trujillo claims that the removal of the pride flag is a step backwards for the community. Have a neutral flag policy is a step forwards for unity in the community. It’s a step forward for standing for truth. The promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism is not the next step in the civil rights movement, but a corruption and a theft of the Civil rights movement. It is deeply offensive that Mayor Trujillo and others insist on stealing the honor and dignity of the Civil Rights Movement to cover up and justify their private traumas and turn sexual perversions into a public spectacle.

To quote Karen Carpenter: “We’ve only just begun.” It is wrong for the city of Downey to provide taxpayer funding for the Downey Pride Festival. Why should any city celebrate an agenda which promotes harmful behaviors which short a person’s lifespan and spread disease. Even Councilman Ortiz opposed the pride festival when he ran for office last year.

Last of all, Mayor Trujillo has repeatedly attacked, shamed, and defamed Downey residents, and in these council chambers. He has called residents “idiots,” “Gaza people,” and now he calls them a “hate group.”

This is disgusting behavior from an elected official who is supposed to represent all residents. I think such conduct deserves a motion of censure from this body. No elected official should be allowed to attack and shame city residents, the people whom he is supposed to serve.

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