Protests against “gay marriage” filled the streets of Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. and other cities across the country on Dec. 3.
Several weeks ago Taiwan’s national legislature introduced a “gay marriage” bill, causing upheaval and protests in that country. Taiwan would become the first Asian nation to make “gay marriage” legal. As the politicians move closer to pushing it into law, pro-family groups are working to mobilize people and help them understand what negative consequences it will bring.

On Christmas Eve, the country’s state-run news agency, Central News Agency Taiwan, published an article
about how MassResistance is helping educate people on its ramifications for society, through our video,
“What ‘gay marriage’ did to Massachusetts”
along with our booklet, both of which have been translated into Chinese.
Our point man with Taiwan has been Arthur Christopher Schaper, head of California MassResistance, who has been working tirelessly with Taiwanese activists, expatriates in the US, and others to get the word out.
News report
from Central News Agency Taiwan on MassResistance: (Note that references in article to MassResistance, Arthur, and Brian Camenker are also written in English.)
English translation of article (via Google’s translation service):
“Gay marriage” gaining steam in Taiwan — after years of failing
For years the international LGBT movement has tried to push “gay marriage” into Taiwan. But the ruling Kuomintang Party, which has ruled Taiwan since WWII, thwarted it. This year the opposition left-wing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was voted into power for the first time. In October the DPP drafted a “gay marriage” bill in the national legislature. The party leaders publicly voiced strong support for the bill. According to reports, several Kuomintang Party members are also now in favor of it. Pro-family outrage across the country grew quickly. On Nov. 17, twenty thousand people protested in Taipei outside of the legislature for six hours.
But that didn’t stop the DPP from moving forward with it. They held two limited public hearings, on Nov. 25 and 29, where only a limited number of “experts” from both sides were invited to testify.

At the second hearing
as reported in LifeSiteNews, a university professor brought up the health risks of sodomy. Subsequently, the government health ministry issued a statement claiming that homosexual sex is not innately unhealthy, but that AIDS and similar diseases were caused by “unsafe sex”.
The outrage continued to grow.
On Dec. 3, there were massive demonstrations across the country, with 150,000 marching in Taipei and 80,000 in other cities, according to news reports. It was an unprecedented outpouring for a “social” issue. Flooding the streets of Taipei with outraged “gay marriage” protesters. Catholic priests were out in front, and spoke before the crowd.
Much of the outrage by pro-family groups, according to reports, is also fueled by the heavily LGBT-laced sex-ed curriculum in schools.

On Monday, Dec. 26, the bill passed a the first of a three-step process in the legislature – as dozens of angry pro-family protesters demonstrated outside. The second and third steps will likely take place in early to mid-2017, as various amendments to the bill are evaluated. The Taiwanese legislature ends its session at the end of December, and then resumes in February through the end of May.
Powerful tools to inform people around the world
MassResistance’s video and booklet on “What ‘gay marriage’ did to Massachusetts” have become powerful tools to inform people about what really happens over time when “gay marriage” is forced on a society. They have been translated into several languages and used around the world.
MassResistance VIDEO – Chinese language version:
MassResistance booklet:English-language version
(left) and Chinese version.

We are also encouraging people to read our new book The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals. Most people are almost completely unaware of this very important part of the issue.
MassResistance gets involved!
Soon after the bill was filed, Arthur Schaper was contacted by a reporter from Taiwan for a comment about the upheaval there over “gay marriage.” Arthur realized that MassResistance needed to get involved and take action.
Arthur reached out to a representative of Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who was located in California. A month earlier, she had invited Arthur to a DPP celebration dinner in Monterey Park, CA, which was to take place on Nov. 11.
Arthur implored her to help stop the “gay marriage” push. But she said that she supports gay marriage – as long as they don’t allow men to go into women’s bathrooms. Arthur explained that the homosexual agenda won’t stop at just “gay marriage”, but that the “transgender” bathroom agenda is always their next goal. Arthur gave her the MassResistance video to watch.
At the DPP dinner on Nov. 11, Arthur did not discuss the “gay marriage” issue, which the DPP and most of the people at the dinner support. Instead, he connected with other people who could be helpful down the road fighting this issue. In particular, Arthur talked with two prominent Republicans there: U. S. Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA), who is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and San Marino City Councilman Steve Huang. Delegation from Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) pose anong with a few local politicians at DPP dinner.
Arthur Schaper of California MassResistance (right) with Congressman Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, at DPP dinner.
Arthur Schaper with San Marino City Councilman Steve Huang, a Republican. The next thing Arthur did was try to meet with members of the local Taiwanese community, as well as others with ties to Taiwan.
Arthur visited several Taiwanese Christian churches in the Los Angeles area. He spoke to people there about the “gay marriage” push in Taiwan, and asked what they have been hearing from friends and relatives in Taiwan.
Arthur Schaper visited every Tiawanese church in the area he could find. Arthur then began corresponding with Fr. Otfried Chan,
a Catholic priest who is the secretary of the Chinese Regional Bishops Conference in Taiwan and is involved with organizing thousands of protesters. Although there are many Buddhist and other religious groups in Taiwan, it is the Christians who are leading the opposition to the “gay marriage” bill there.

Fr. Chan told ABC News in Australia that he expects pro-marriage activists and even legislators to disrupt the legislative process, if necessary! He’s said he’s very pleased to be working with Arthur and MassResistance.
Contacting members of the Taiwan legislature

Just to make sure that the MassResistance information gets through, Arthur has been contacting each member of the Taiwanese legislature
through their Facebook pages and personal accounts – in Chinese! His message gets right to the point about the LGBT agenda and ends with a link to the video on “What ‘gay marriage’ did to Massachusetts.”
Arthur Schaper’s message to members of the Tiawanese legislature:
Arthur plans an even bigger push to legislators starting again in February.
And more work ahead
Unfortunately, there are pitfalls for our side in this battle that must be avoided at all costs.
As we’ve seen here in the US, pro-family groups that are inexperienced in the “gay marriage” struggle have a tendency to want to compromise on the issue, hoping that it will mollify the LGBT lobby.

We’ve been seeing media reports
that some of the Taiwanese pro-family groups are calling for a “special status” of same-sex partnerships to be created – such as civil unions or domestic partnerships – instead of giving up the word “marriage.”
This is the road to hell, as they say. It simply doesn’t work. Arthur is doing his best to warn the Taiwanese about this, in the strongest possible terms.
In every situation we’ve seen so far, once the LGBT lobby gets civil unions or domestic partnerships, they simply use it as a stepping stone and leverage it to what they really wanted all along – changing the definition of marriage.
Another thing we’re seeing in Taiwan: pro-family people want to avoid criticizing LGBT behavior as being destructive or immoral. In effect, they accept the opposition’s position that it’s “just another way to love someone.” So instead our people use less provocative and weaker arguments. That was tried over and over again here in the U. S. It tends to make the LGBT movement even more bolder and aggressive than they otherwise would be.
The Taiwanese people have a few months before the legislature votes on this again. MassResistance will continue to do what we can to help them win this battle!

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