To the Wyoming Libertarian Party:

Your statement against taking a stance on the sexual mutilation of minors is beyond sickening:

Wyoming’s Libertarian Party countered the national group in a joint statement by its board, telling Cowboy State Daily in a Wednesday text that the party “opposes government interference in individual and family liberty, no matter what our personal opinions are in the matter.”

The state party clarified that it would not support legislation that criminalizes sex reassignment surgeries for children – but it also would not back legislation that supports such surgeries.

“The government is not the solution for family issues,” it said.  

Even libertarian-leaning thinkers like Milton Friedman and especially the Libertarian Godfather Ron Paul recognized the role of government to protect children.

How any adult can stand by and say nothing when other adults think it is appropriate to mutilate children with foreign hormones or sex-reassignment surgeries is just beyond me. Based on your kind of thinking, do you think that children should be sexually exploited, as well? Should children be farmed out in drag shows to appease adult desires, too?

Do you think that parents should be allowed to ply their children with alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes, as well?

Your stance is absolute madness. You are not standing for freedom. You are standing for corporate dishonesty which seduces disturbed children and their frantic parents to go all in on a lie, a lie which will damage these children for the rest of their lives.

The government does have a responsibility to protect children from this barbaric practice. The government has a limited role, authority to ensure that children are not abused. That is common sense.

No wonder the Libertarian Party in some states has become all but irrelevant: if you cannot take a stance to protect children from the most barbaric practice of sex mutilation, you have no reason to exist at all as a poltitical force.


Arthur Schaper, Field Director



Workcell: (781) 474-3005

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