Lyin’ Ted Lieu is not serving his own district.

What’s he doing in Orange County going after Dana Rohrabacher?

This is nothing short of disgusting.

Please, people, vote for Dana!


I’m Congressman Ted Lieu, and I approve this message: Harley Rouda will make one great congressman.

I’ve been tweeting and cheering Harley on as his campaign has gained momentum and captured national attention. His takedowns of California’s most vulnerable Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, are epic.

But that’s not what makes Harley stand out as a leader for the future.

Harley has vision. Principles. Smarts. And a dogged determination to do right by the people of his district and the nation.

Harley Rouda can make all the difference.

Ted Lieu stands with Harley Rouda

When I joined Congress in 2015, the House of Representatives seemed pretty polarized. But I had not seen anything yet…

Today, we desperately need leaders in Congress who work across the aisle to solve problems like gun violence, immigration injustice, income inequality, and global warming. And we need leaders who will serve as a check on a corrupt president who thinks he’s above the law.

Harley is that kind of leader.

Harley is leading in the polls because he has a vision for how we can grow the economy. He opposes the GOP tax-scam, which cuts taxes for the Mar-a-Lago set, while raising taxes on the middle class.

And, unlike Dana Rohrabacher, Harley has never been given a codename by Putin.

Congressman Ted Lieu

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