Jean Adelsman ran against incumbent Torrance city councilman Aurelio Mattucci in 2022. She was the liberal candidate who pretended to be “bipartisan.” She called herself “purple” on her website.

Of course, she lost. She’s not on the city council dias today (thank goodness!)

She attempted to play nice shortly after the election, even reaching out to Aurelio briefly to have coffee with him.

That obviously went nowhere.

But she doesn’t want to go away …


Here we are now. Jean wants to recall Aurelio … and Jon Kaji, too?

Why, now?

She and other wagging tongues in town say that it’s due to Kaji and Mattuci’s opposition to extending the LA Metro into Torrance. But let’s get serious about this: they don’t like the fact that a more conservative, a more principled set of politicos is now serving the city on the city council.

That bothers them.

They don’t like the fact that the current mayor didn’t kiss all the brass rings, from commissions to public sector unions, to become the next mayor of the city. He didn’t go through the usual “Torrance Way” to become the next head of state for the city.

The same thing applies to Kaji, of course. He didn’t kiss rings and glad-hand the “Good Ol’ Boys” in Torrance in order to get elected. That bothers some people in The Balanced City.

It seems to bother Jean, as well.

But what about Aurelio? Why don’t they like him? He did sit on commissions, and he participated in a number of city events. He even took pictures with local Congressmen Henry Waxman and Maxine Waters at one time.

They don’t like that he speaks his mind, and that he wants–and gets–results. He has certainly disrupted business as usual, and he does not “play nice” with some people.

All of these reasons are not reasons at all. They are embittered excuses from sore losers who don’t like the fact that creeping liberalism, and big-spending wastrelism are no longer the order of the day. One can be sure that the local Democratic Party is all over this, too. Jimmy Gow got stomped on–TWICE–after spending time and money and collecting every endorsement from every who’s-who in the LA County Democrat zoo.

He even posted non-stop about me on the Torrance Democratic Club Facebook page last year!

(This photo is one of my favorites!:)


Now, what is it about Jean Adelsman that makes her a lying hypocrite?

One of the voters in District Five made it plain as day:


Jean didn’t support the recall of pro-criminal district attorney George Gascon becqause “she didn’t believe in recalls.” Now she suddenly believes in recalls? Really?

And she says that part of the reason for the recall is that Aurelio and others are opposing the extension of the LA Metro into Torrance. For the record, I confess that I supported this move, and did nothing it would be a big deal to have an extension of the metro rail from Redondo Beach to Torrance. But five years later, and with the rising crime, and the worsening conditions on the LA Metro, the fact that the Board of Supervisors have removed heavy police presence to protect riders on the Metro, and the fact that fewer people are using public transit, I am now inclined to oppose it.

So, Jean wants the LA Metro, she seems so upset about the current council opposing its extension.

And yet …


Pamela Combar calls out Jean Adelsman for not even showing up to ANY OF THE MEETINGS on the proposed extension!

In short, Jean is making up excuses. She is a lying hypocrite and a sore (liberal) loser who can’t stand the fact that she got beat by a stronger candidate who, despite almost every political force against him, prevailed in his re-election bid.

You know, for a lady who hates Trump so much, she is sure starting to sound a like like him,

She lost by a very slim margin in 2022, just as Trump did because of slim margins in key states in 2020.

She is belly-aching about losing, the same way the Trump does, and has been for the last three years.

She is trying to overturn a legitimate election, and yet she criticizes Trump for doing the same thing regarding Election 2020 (for the record, it do believe that the election was stolen, but a big part of it was his own fault. See here).

She is all in on big government transportation projects, just like Trump.

She is talking about “Take Back Torrance,” kind of like how Trump campaigned on “Make America Great Again.”

She is connecting with the previous Democratic establishment, the same way that Trump has connected with Democrat politicians for years, and wants to reach out to both sides, all while upsetting the Republican base he was supposed to represent.

But the big thing is that she is staging an “insurrection” against city hall and trying to remove two duly, lawfully elected people from Torrance city council. It sure sounds like Trump when he shouted “Fight Like Hell!” on January 6th, 2021, when a handul of Antifa miscreants broke windows and assaulted police officers.

Still, the fact that she can’t give up the gripe … she sounds all too much like Donald Trump. Wow, how the tables have turned in Torrance!

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