You know that a paper has hit the skids when they hire racist, third-rate hack writers who wrote pulp “journalism” in Orange County for twenty-some years.

And you know that you are really winning when you dance on the graves of their second-rate careers, and they just have to respond to you on Twitter.

Gustavo La Cucaracha Arellano, Resident Racist at the Racist LA Times

Check out La Cucaracha Gustavo Arellano on Twitter last week, coming after little ol’ me:

The context:

R. Scott Moxley and his motley crew at a now-defunct newspaper called “The OC Weekly” used to target a number of conservatives in California, including the recently-elected city councilwoman Gracey Van Der Mark and myself.

Moxley actually thought he had quite a hit with the hit piece that he wrote about me, but it backfired big time.

Within three years, half the staff got fired, along with Arellano, the cockroach who had been tasked with firing half the staff first.

And then this happened, on Thanksgiving Day, no less:

It was glorious vindication!

And since that fateful Thanksgiving Day in 2019, I love reminding R. Scott Moxley and his unemployed crew that “They’re FIRED!”

There is nothing more vindicating than watching defamatory haters and bigots get their big comeuppance, and that’s exactly what happened to OC Weakly and their hack writers.

This year, I was a little dancing on their graves (again), so I caught up as quickly as I could to share with has-been R. Scott Moxley the following:

Now, one would think that a reporter at the Los Angeles Times, which purports to be some kind of serious newspaper, would not waste time on a “loser” like me.

And yet, Cockroach Arellano just had to quote-tweet me and say some nasty elementary-school playground taunts.

“Gas Pestilence”? Really? This guy actually works for the Los Angeles Times.


Before that, he was a food critic (?) for OC Weekly, but of course he would throw around the usual racist, left-wing drivel which passes for journalism among corporate media these days.

Why did the LA Times hire La Cucaracha Arellano? They are a racist newspaper, after all, since they still employee anti-Semite Hailey Branson, another embittered SJW who has never denounced her bigoted mentor Helen Thomas, the same Helen Thomas who had declared “The Jews should get the hell out of Palestine.”

Racists gonna be racist, I suppose.

One thing’s for sure: I live in their heads rent free.

First, “journalist” Arellano attacks me on Twitter, and when I forwarded an email from years back (showing how OC Weakly was going bust), he just HAD to write back to me, and insisting “No, you don’t live in my head rent free …”

Sure, Gustavo. Whatever you say. In the meantime:

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