Letter to the Editor:

First, I am 56 years old and was born and raised in California. With the exception of the four years I was stationed in South Carolina I lived and raised my kids in California. I retired from State employment in 2016 after 22 years when my injuries from a major submarine accident in the Navy forced me to retire early. In 2018 we left California as we could bo longer stomach the stupidity of the communist rule there.

I just read your opinion piece about Ron DeSantis leaving the race. I feel you are completely wrong in your assessment concerning Trump and the presidential race. DeSantis promised his constituents that if they gave him a second term he would fulfill the entirety of that term. I know a lot of people in Florida that wouldn’t support him on that basis alone. As far as Trump failing to meet all of his promises; so the constant attacks from the communist Dems and RINOs in your estimation had nothing to do with his inability to accomplish his goals? There hasn’t been any President since Lincoln that has had as much hate thrown at him as Trump. The leftists will never be punished for what they did to the election in 2020. They and the RINOs will continue the same evil deeds unless they are stopped. Trump being reelected will send a very loud message and maybe a majority of the Republicans in that swamp will run with it and fight to make the changes that need to be started. For way too long that swamp has been out of control and Trump is the one with the biggest mouth and strongest constitution that will be able to get the changes started. I don’t like many of the attacks that come from Trumps mouth, but he needs to be the one to go back and get the changes he thinks need to be done started in the right direction. Otherwise the RINOs and communists will have won & from now on they will use the same playbook to destroy ANYONE that they believe threatens their established rule over us subjects.
–Rick Neault
Thanks for your letter. I am still surviving here in California. I notice your 530 area code. Are you from Redding, Siskiyou, Modoc?
Responding to some of your charges:
When did Governor Ron DeSantis promise to fulfill his second term, not run for President? He never made any pledge during the 2022 debates against Charlie Crist. If you can find that statement, then prove me wrong.
Regarding the attacks on Trump and his inability to keep his promises:
  1. He strong-armed many members of Congress to get The First Step Act. He could have done that with immigration, but didn’t.
  2. Most of the laws empowering the President on border security already exist. They need to be enforced, but Trump did not do that.
  3. He could have taxed the remittances to Mexico to pay for the wall, but not only did he NOT do that, he made excuses about not doing it.
Yes, Abraham Lincoln faced a lot of hate, but he still got the job done.
Trump locked down the country following the COVID-19 outbreak. He didn’t have to, and he even urged Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp as well as Gov. DeSantis to reinstate health mandates. He went along with all of it, undermining our constitutional Republic.
You talk about the Swamp being out of control. Could not agree with you more. Yet you have chief swamp creatures like Lindsey Graham who are supporting … TRUMP! Please explain why that does not concern you. Don’t forget that Trump signed off on not one, not two, but THREE bad budget bills, including the last one in 2020, which funded the Biden regime for nearly a year. Trump could have vetoed every one of those terrible budgets. He holds the blame for that, for the COVID lockdowns, for the $8 trillion increase in the national debt, for doing nearly nothing during the George Floyd riots. I notice that you have not refuted my criticisms of the President on those fronts.
In too many cases, Trump was his own worst enemy, picking fights where not needed, making big promises then backing away from them, and then making excuses for not getting things done.
And again, you have not refuted my points about Trump v. DeSantis. You confirm my argument, that many current Trump supporters are driven more by emotion and identity politics than reason, policy, or attention to detail.
Thanks for writing, and I will be sharing this letter.

Arthur Schaper

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