We Must Protect Our Immigrant CommunitiesFriend, In the wake of Thursday’s Senate passage of a short-term spending bill,
Senator Harris remains committed to fighting for funding of all priorities that
are crucial to all Californians and the middle-class. “I’ve repeatedly
called for passage of the bipartisan DREAM Act,” said Senator Harris.
“While I applaud the work of members on both sides to find common ground,
a promise to do something down the road is not good enough. It is unconscionable
that we have not yet acted and I will continue to fight to protect these
incredible young people who have known no other country as their home.”
You can find the Senator’s full statement on the spending bill here.
Why is it “unconscionable” that US Senators are not interested in passing legislation to help foreign nationals still living in our country illegally? What is wrong with elected officials putting the needs of Americans first? Why is this still a problem for the political class and the entrenched bureaucracy? As of today, there are over 13,130 young people who have lost their
DACA status since September. The end of the year is fast approaching and we
cannot wait a single day longer. We must pass the DREAM Act, now. Senator
Harris will fight tooth and nail, and promises to work tirelessly to fight for
and protect Dreamers, their families, and the hard working immigrants who
contribute to our country every day. In fact, this week Senator Harris joined a
rally in the fight to pass the DREAM Act, met with Dreamers at her office, and
urged colleagues to vote against an end of year spending bill without protections
for Dreamers. “Every single day that we don’t pass the Dream Act, is
another day these young people have to live in fear.” said Senator Harris.
“Congress must pass the DREAM Act now.”
There is nothing wrong with ensuring that American citizens are put first, that California’s taxpaying residents are taken care of. What a shame that our federally elected officials do not care about the California youth–the legal residents and natural citizens–who have to work three jobs to make ends meet, and in many cases cannot move out of their parents’ homes because the cost of housing is too great. Just last week, U. S. Senators Kamala D. Harris (D-CA) and Tammy Duckworth
(D-IL) led a group of 16 Senate Democrats to urge House and Senate
Appropriators to mandate that all facilities within the Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) detention system meet the most current national standards as
a condition of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appropriations. The letter
comes on the heels of a troubling new report from the Department of Homeland
Security’s Office of Inspector General that details insufficient facilities and
inhumane conditions. The United States maintains the largest immigration
detention infrastructure in the world, detaining approximately 380,000 to
442,000 persons per year. Full text of the letter is available here.
The inhumane conditions for illegals: that’s what worries Korrupt Kammy. What about the terrible conditions for homeless Americans? 210 homeless Americans died in Orange County this year, and they received their own vigil because of the decrepit and ultimately deadly conditions they suffer in. In other news, re-registration period in now open for Nicaraguans with
Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Current beneficiaries of TPS under
Nicaragua’s designation who want to maintain that status through the program’s
termination date of Jan. 5, 2019, must re-register between Dec. 15, 2017 and
Feb. 13, 2018. Re-registration procedures, including how to renew employment
authorization documentation, have been published in the Federal Register and on
www. uscis. gov/tps.
El Salvador, Guatemala, and Haiti’s TPS programs have been terminated. I am not sure why the Nicaragua program is still going for one more year, but at this point, men and women living in this country who had fled from other countries need to make up their minds: are they going to return to their home countriesFinal Reflection
What will it take for our US Senators to start paying attention to the needs of … Americans? Why is this so difficult or challenging? What will it take to ensure that the needs of children, our culture, and our country come first?

Shame on Kamala Harris!

Call her offices right now and tell her:
Put Americans FIRST! Washington D. C.112 Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 20510Phone(202) 224-3553Fax(202) 224-2200Los Angeles
312 N. Spring St. Suite 1748Los Angeles, CA 90012Phone(213) 894 – 5000Fax(202) 224 – 0357San Francisco50 United Nations PlazaSuite 5584San Francisco, CA 94102Phone(415) 355 – 9041Fax(202) 224 – 0454Fresno2500 Tulare StreetSuite 5290Fresno, CA 93721Phone(559) 497 – 5109Fax(202) 228 – 3864Sacramento501 I StreetSuite 7-600Sacramento, CA 95814Phone(916) 448 – 2787Fax(202) 228 – 3865San Diego600 B StreetSuite 2240San Diego, CA 92101Phone(619) 239 – 3884Fax(202) 228 – 3863

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