Don’t you just love mocking the hypocrisy of the regressive Left?

They are all in on sanctuary cities, providing safe spaces for illegal aliens, rolling out the red carpet and giving everything away to illegals.

And yet, when other states take them up on this offer, they cry victim?

Check out the latest report from left-wing hate-rag Knock LA:

Welp. It was only a matter of time until a far-right politician transported migrant workers to Los Angeles. Transporting immigrants – including children as young as two – across state lines is a common right-wing protest against Biden’s so-called “open border policy” that also apparently owns the libs by showing the world they object to …*checks notes*… using human beings as pawns in political squabbles. On Wednesday, June 14, Texas Governor Greg Abbott bused 42 migrants – mainly from Venezuela, Honduras, and Guatemala – from Texas to Union Station in downtown LA. The group was on the bus for 23 hours without food or drinks.

Luckily, Los Angeles was prepared. The Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) received a tip the night before regarding Abbott’s plans. CHIRLA and like-minded organizations helped move the group to St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church in Chinatown on Wednesday and provided them with food and other resources. Mayor Karen Bass released a statement calling Abbott’s actions abhorrent and saying the city is prepared to work closely with nonprofits to ensure the migrants’ well-being. Here’s hoping Bass follows through on this promise.

What a crock!

Los Angeles cannot take care of its own citizens, but the city and its staff supposedly have the resources for illegal migrants?

Uh, I don’t think so.

The city is facing multiple crises. LA City enables homelessness, drug use, rampant crime. Los Angeles is turning into a failed city in a failed state.

And yet for all of this, Mayor Karen Bass has plenty of time and money for illegal aliens. I wonder how black leaders feel about all of this? Didn’t Karen Bass campaign on a program of “Black Lives Matter”?

It’s really nice to see Republican governors knocking out the legs from under Knock LA!

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