#HarveyMilkDay, we honor the legacy of a hero who paved the way for orgs like @EQCA & @LogCabinGOP 2 seek tolerance and inclusiveness. pic. twitter. com/ekthcVePGz
— CA Assembly GOP (@AssemblyGOP) May 22, 2017

Whereas, said tweet was subsequently liked by many California Republican leaders including, but not limited to: Assemblyman Chad Mayes, Assemblywoman Catharine Baker, CRP Regional Vice-Chair Sue Caro, Assemblyman Tom Lackey’s Chief of Staff George Andrews, Assemblyman Brian Dahle’s Press Secretary Matt Mahon; and
Whereas, Harvey Milk’s life was chronicled in a biography titled “The Mayor of Castro Street” by his close friend Randy Shilts, a gay journalist respected by the homosexual community; and
Whereas, Shilts would write that Milk regularly engaged in man-boy sexual relations and
documented Milk’s “penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems,” including a then 16-year-old Jack McKinley; and
Whereas, Harvey Milk was a sexual predator and serial child rapist that feasted on and exploited disadvantaged youth by providing them food, shelter, drugs, and alcohol in exchange for sexual favors; and
Whereas, it appears that not a single Republican leader in California condemned or disavowed a tweet by the Assembly Republican Caucus calling Milk a “hero”; and
Whereas, a legion of virtue signaling cuckservatives routinely trip all over themselves to disavow tweets or statements made or not made by President Donald Trump; Now, therefore be it

Resolved, that the California Republican Party comes out of the closet and announces a full-throated endorsement of man-boy love and serial child rape so that it may continue upon its glide path to becoming the Democrat-lite Party of California unmolested by conservatives and other sane individuals who find predatory behavior upon minors disgusting and reprehensible.

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