To counter the spread of LGBT propaganda from Western countries to African youth

February 20, 2024
ALT TEXT Meeting of the Bueman SHS Anti-LGBTQ Youth Club in Jasikan, Ghana.

MassResistance is continuing to help countries around the world fight the international culture war!

Across America, high schools (and even middle schools) have LGBT clubs for children and teenagers. These “clubs” promote homosexuality, transgenderism, and other LGBT behaviors to the kids they attract, and spread it through the entire school. The clubs go by names like “Gay-Straight Alliance,” “Rainbow,” or “Gender Sexuality Alliance” club. They’re every parent’s nightmare.

In Ghana, pro-family people have seen this and they don’t want it happening there. So far, Ghana has stood tall against it. But recently there’s been intense pressure from wealthy Western countries to make Ghana (and the rest of Africa) succumb to the radical LGBT agenda being swept into their society.

ALT TEXT Ghana was a British Crown colony until 1957, so English is spoken there.

A few months ago, the head of Ghana’s leading pro-family organization, Freedom International, contacted MassResistance. He told us:

In Ghana the appetite for LGBT practice is insignificant because majority of our people and institutions are boldly against homosexuality.

The good news is that the Parliament of Ghana is determined to pass a bill against LGBT, having read it the 2nd time. This has angered the Western countries and their agents. Sadly, the United Nations and the World Bank are uncomfortable with Ghana’s stance against LGBT thereby making all sorts of ugly noises!

As a country we are prepared to resist the hypocrisy of the wealthy nations. But we need MassResistance to partner with us in ensuring that the wealthy nations of the world don’t use their financial strength to bully us into submission. Therefore, we are ready to forge a partnership with MassResistance against LGBT activities in Ghana.

We are encouraged by your timely intervention in Sri Lanka and we are confident that you will not disappoint us in resisting those disobeying God who Himself condemns homosexuality as a SIN.

Finally, we are seeking your permission to post some of the materials in the Issues column of your newsletter on our website.

Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Frank Mackay Anim-Appiah
Executive Director
Freedom International

Since then we’ve worked with Freedom International to move forward! One of the first things that foreign-funded groups do in an African country is attempt to indoctrinate youth with LGBT ideology. So the most important project would be to make sure that children are well prepared to reject it and proclaim the truth. Frank and his group decided that the best way to do this would be to form “anti-LGBT clubs” in every secondary school – just the opposite of what the West does!

Frank and his team have been working with teachers across the country. They have already set up clubs in a few schools – and more are on the way!

ALT TEXT Another meeting of the Bueman SHS Anti-LGBTQ Youth Club

As Frank has reported back, they are going strong. The clubs meet for two hours per week. They use resources by MassResistance, Freedom International, and other pro-family groups. Students often are divided into smaller groups for effective teaching and learning. Healthy relationships are a key part of the learning. The other key goals are to expose, confront, and stop the LGBT propaganda coming from the multinational corporations and foreign embassies.

Parts of the curriculum is devoted to training in both writing and public speaking skills. Selected works will be published in the Freedom International quarterly publication The Resistor Newsletter. They will also organize inter-school youth club debates at the district, regional and national levels. Outstanding students will be awarded token prizes to be sponsored by potential sponsors.

ALT TEXT The Executive Members of the Bueman Club
ALT TEXT Faculty advisors of the Bueman club

Frank has big plans beyond that. Each year, he told us, Freedom International will arrange with the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service to co-host a forum for students to tell their stories and showcase the progress made in the prevention of homosexuality in our schools, as well as the truth about the causes and effects of homosexuality and transgenderism.

MassResistance is thrilled to be helping Frank Mackay Anim-Appiah and Freedom International with this important project in Ghana.


Final thoughts

Note that the government in Ghana is supportive of this effort, not opposed to it!

This groundbreaking effort is also the right direction for the rest of Africa – and beyond. In fact, with this example, MassResistance is brainstorming on setting up similar clubs in schools in the United States.

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