The sickeness never ends, does it.

This is really disturbing. Voters across the state of Idaho want to get smut, porn, and perversion out of the public schools and libraries.

But Rep. Julie Yamamoto (RINO-Caldwell) thinks that “the extreme-right” conservatives are taking over the party and are not lined up with the general Idaho voter.

She did not want to remove pornography in the public schools or the libraries. She is OK with massive spending. She wants to turn the education bureaucracy into an absolute monster.

And she is now selling her soul to the local corrupt corporate media heads to make a name for herself among “the average voter”:

Rep. Julie Yamamoto is the real RINO. She has not fought for Republican principles. She wants to be liked the Boise Beltway and ignore the needs of real grassroots conservatives who get her elected.

She wants to make Idaho a moderate sinkhole where everyone is “nice” even though the culture continues to tilt to the left. Such capitulation has no place in Idaho politics.

She needs to be primaried out for good in 2024.

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