
I have brought the video back up for all to see.

There is no excuse, no right for YouTube or any other social media engine to shut this video down.

I refused to be intimidate, or to allow any conglomerate shut me down.

Here is the full video of my recording of Hussam Ayloush speaking to Scripps College at the Speaker series.

It was incredible what happened.

I was not the only one who spoke out about what he had to say. Other people in the audience denounced his lies about President Trump, the American Experiment, and Judeo-Christian values in the Western World.

Some of the most offensive remarks which came out of his mouth included the derision toward average Americans, many of whom Ayloush commented did not know much about … anything.

He claimed that the United States was founded on a sense of “supremacy”. Huh? This country is based on American exceptionalism, and guess what? America is an exceptional country–everyone wants to live here!

He also lied about Islam. He claimed that it is a peaceful religion, when it is not.

Repeatedly he talked about President Trump’s “Muslim ban”, which was not just false, but a bitter smear. One lady at the back of the room called out that lie immediately.

When questions emerged from the audience, Ayloush realized that his audience was not going to receive his pro-Muslim propaganda without criticism.

The host of the event tried to shame and silence critics in the audience.

This video is really something, and I am glad that I could capture and upload it for everyone to see.

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