this Hillary Clinton said
: “The Republican Party is imploding.”Really. (Stop laughing). Seriously, the GOP is
going through Grand Old Growing pains, as President Trump made the signature
issue, illegal immigration, a national concern for all, taking it out of the
media spin which framed the issue as merely narrow-minded fear-mongering of
radical right-wing extremists. Big Business, Cheap Labor Republicans are
getting the shaft, and a new generation of America First conservatives will be
taking their place. Orrin Hatch has intimated he will retire, for example, and
Dean Heller won’t be far behind. Not imploding, the Republicans are redefining themselves
as the party for American citizens. In contrast, the Marxist
Left has taken over the Democratic Party, with an obsession toward phasing out
national differences and ushering in a globalist, communistic society where
everyone is “equal”. Democrats are also obsessed with race and divisive
identity politics. These stark movements toward the Left are sowing the seeds
of self-dissolution within the Democratic Party. Furthermore, the DNC is pushing harder than before for amnesty and
mass migration. Ultimately, they want third-world dependents to become
Democratic voters, who will demand more socialism and welfare, all while
undermining this great country. Ironically, this agenda
is crushing the Democratic Party’s future. Voters reject mass migration and amnesty.
They bear the costs of illegal immigration, which are overrunning every public
sector in the country. Taxpayers won’t tolerate funding lawbreakers while their
needs as overburdened citizens remain ignored.
One liberal-leaning
Republican, Andrew Sullivan, has noticed this problem among left-of-center
political parties. As a liberal-leaning political advocate, he wants a more
robust center-left opposition to stop the conservative Trump onslaught
overtaking the Republican Party. In his cold analysis of the Democratic Party’s
singular failing on immigration—The Issue That Could Lose the Next Election for Democrats—he ruefully contends that the center-left will
be left behind for the long-term because of their ongoing radical views on
immigration. In striking fashion, he debunks Hillary Clinton’s hilarious
assertion about the Republican Party.
First, Sullivan recognizes
that popular outrage against illegal immigration and mass migration have galvanized
populist conservative movements around the world. No surprise there: the
average citizen will not tolerate their rights, sovereignty, and resources
getting robbed by globalist interests who want wealth at everyone else’s
expense. Sullivan tries to offer a defense for the center-left, whom he hopes
to help change: “You would think that
parties of the center-left would grapple with this existential threat to their
political viability. And some have.”Actually, they haven’t.
Many center-left parties around the world have lost record numbers of seats and
power in state and national legislatures. They have failed to bridge the divide
between pragmatic policies and their radical bases. Many of their grassroots
have even moved into the Green Party or other left-wing coalitions, while
working-class “Labourites” (aka Reagan Democrats) have joined center-right
coalitions, since conservatives champion national identity and individual
economic self-interest. The global left’s implosion describes the United
States’ Democratic Party (not the GOP). The Pelosi-Schumer-Perez DNC has not shifted to the changing consensus
against illegal immigration. Sullivan’s pro-left
analysis contends that Obama tried to achieve immigration reform, bridging the
Radical Left grassroots (amnesty) with the Democratic Political class
(enforcement). LIE. Obama was no pragmatist on immigration. He falsely claimed
higher deportations because he mislabeled illegals turned away at the border as
deportations. He then bypassed Congress twice with executive amnesty orders. Obama
laid the foundation for the Democratic Party’s radical stance on immigration,
as opposed to trying to stop it.
Sullivan slams these
stances from the Democratic Party’s regarding immigration:1. They criticize
enforcement of our immigration laws. They patently refuse to recognize illegal
immigration as a problem. US Senator Dianne Feinstein threw a fit about ICE
detaining a child following a surgery. Where was she when Kate Steinle was
murdered?2. Democrats treat
illegal alien parents like heroes and victims, but ignore veterans and
vulnerable American populations like America’s homeless and the mentally ill. President
Trump is addressing the opioid crisis, one exacerbated by—you guessed it,
illegal immigration, specifically through drug trafficking. Where was Obama?
Where are the Democrats on this pandemic?3. Democrats treat illegal children with special
privilege. The Democratic candidate for Governor of New Jersey declared on live
television that illegal youth are as American as his own children. No. They. Are.
Not. What about our kids? What about Drew Rosenberg, a California college
student viciously murdered by an illegal?4. The Democratic Party
has doubled down so much on amnesty and non-enforcement, no one believes their
lip-service to border security. Government’s main responsibility is to protect
our rights, including life, viz. securing the citizenry from all threats, both
foreign and domestic.
5. Sullivan’s last indictment
against the Democratic Party is searing:
“[They view] any kind of distinction
between citizens and noncitizens [as] somehow racist.”Really. It’s offensive,
stupid, and just plain false. Sullivan even mocks his liberal friends for defining
borders as “racist.” While the DNC is descending into self-parody, registered
Democratic voters (many of whom are immigrants) have stopped sanctuary state
proposals in blue states like Delaware
and Maryland. Their next votes may
fall to Republican candidates!
Supposedly, the
Democratic Party believes in expanding the power of the demos, does
it not? However, how do they plan on carrying out that basic mission if they
undermine the very power of the people, i. e. the voter franchise, which
requires a nation defined by laws, borders, and a common defense. What’s next,
will the Democratic Party denounce being American as racist, too? This is how far left the
Democratic Party has become, and if they don’t get with the program and
remember that they are a political party operating within the United States,
their implosion will be immediate and irreversible.

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