Gays Against Groomers is only interested in the gays, themselves, and protecting themselves from being called “groomers.” The head of Gays Against Groomers, Jaimee Michell, admitted as much in the video below:
The woke just got served🤣 by @againstgrmrs after these women had the audacity to tease a Black man, a Hispanic woman, and a lesbian who thinks CSE is child abuse.
Wokism is fake…it allows true bigots to hide behind a mask and perpetate their own intolerance & bigotry. pic.twitter.com/AUfcLho84o— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) October 25, 2022
She clearly says “You are the reason why our are rights will be rolled back.” And what rights are they, exactly? No one really has a right to marry. Each one of us must ask for the privilege of marrying another person. No one can demand that the other person submit to that marriage. The marriage sacrament is not about adults, but about children and about the community as a whole. It’s about more than the man and the wife.
To repeat, marriage involves a man and a woman. It’s not about two men. It’s not about two women.
Gays Against Groomers should be called “Grifters Against Groomers” or “Gays who Don’t Want to Be Called Groomers.” It’s time to call out this nonsense and say “NO!” to the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.
People are not “born that way.”
People do not discover at a young age that they were “born that way.”
The behaviors are not natural, but actually quite harmful and demeaning.
No one’s identity is tied up with their sexual feelings, and we should stop turning sexual perversion into a civil right. You cannot say that you oppose sexual perversion on children if you are engaging and celebrating the perversion yourself.