Now it’s just going from bad to worse for Gays Against Groomers.

In previous posts, we have shown how Gays Against Groomers has brought in people who cavort and sell themselves on OnlyFans. We have exposed how many of them are not just into pornography, but insist on pushing the filth in the public square. We have even exposed that the homosexual militants pushing their LGBT perversion on children want to normalize “same-sex couples” and “same-sex parents,” when such falsehoods harm kids, harm communities, and harm countries as a whole.

In other words, “Gays Against Groomers” is grooming … but they are doing it at the speed limit, while the Left grooms the public (including children) at warp speed.

Gays Against Groomers (are you GAGging yet?) want to give the false, destructive impression that homosexuality is normal, and that there is nothing wrong with a man abusing another man as if he is a woman, or that it’s OK for a woman to abuse another woman as if she is a man.

What’s more, they want to normalize the lie that men can become women, and that women can become men, and they will cancel anyone who insists on standing for biological truth.

They are cancel-culture, MAGA-Grift, LGBT-hate, and SPLC-bigotry all wrapped up into one. And they claim to be conservative, too, which is a double-crime.

Yes, they do want to sexualize kids, since they think that kids are born gay. That is grooming, no doubt about it, and we must not tolerate such abuses.

And it gets worse. Mario Estrada, aka Mario Presents, admits that he has gone into women’s restroom, too:

So, there you have it.

They don’t think women have a right to exist. They don’t believe in the blessed, essential differences of male and female. Mario has gone to numerous public forums, and he has announced that children are “born gay.” NO THEY ARE NOT. Such false statements push all kinds of child abuse and normalize the predatory or conniving behaviors of the regressive Left, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Homo, Big Tranny, i.e. The Big Lie.

We cannot stand by and let this kind of abuse become normal. No, No, No.

Enough is enough. It’s time to reject “Gays Against Groomers” and acknowledge what they really are: a bunch of shallow, deviant, psychologically-damaged grifters looking to normalize their trauma and promote perversion.

Enough is enough.

Hypocrisy, they name is Gays Against Groomers:

And instead of apologizing or admitting that he was wrong, Mario doubled-down on creepy and wicked:

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