How many times do we have to tell all of you?

How many times?

Gays Against Groomers do not care about “the kids.” Their actions and activism have never been about the kids.

It has always been about protecting themselves, covering up the fact that their lifestyle preferences, in reality “death-style” preferences, cause nothing but harm, and are borne out of abuse, neglect, confusion, molestation, and shame.

And there is a disturbing pattern of child abuse and pedophilia associated with these aberrant behaviors.

Gays Against Groomers wants to protect themselves, not kids.

And here’s more proof:

Have you had enough of the lies yet?

Have you had enough of this perverse insanity being forced onto the country, into communities, and onto kids?

It’s time to stand for truth, and it’s time to stand against this destructive, perverse agenda in all of its forms.

You cannot claim to care about kids, when you want to normalize false identities and destructive behaviors.

Everyone one of these groomers goes to a public forum and they announce “I am a gay …. I am a lesbian …. I am a trans ….”

It’s all about them, not about the kids. When will more people wake up to these realities?!

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