Pedro Gonzalez has really nailed many of the problems with the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, and the Constitutional Restoration efforts.

Check out his telling indictment of Kari “Fake” Lake, who keeps jabbering about her election losses in Arizona (yes, the election was rigged), but at the same time she spends more time focusing on what happened to her, and how she can promote herself, and less on helping the country.

Here’s the full statement from Pedro Gonzalez:

Every six months, a Rubicon is crossed. Everyone uses the term “banana republic” repeatedly for a while. Then, every time, something worse than nothing happens: the right gets NFTs, fundraising solicitations, and t-shirts commemorating the latest demise of the “republic” until the next one. Fox News and Newsmax do their best to rile up their audiences: “Imagine if Republicans did this to Democrats!” Tribunes are made of people like Kari Lake, who excel at losing and vacuuming attention and money, making everything about themselves with public performances that only help the opposition. The left has a movement. It understands how to win and beat its enemies. The right, on the other hand, has an industry based on losing, performances, and endless grievances, which are just as if not more profitable than actually winning for these people. You’re going to get the same results on the right until this changes.

“The right has an industry based on losing.” I could not agree more!

Grift is a real gain when you keep playing underdog. No one wants to admit this, but some activism organizations don’t want problems to be solved, because then they would be out of a job!

The grift is too good to give up, and the MAGA Movement is all about the grift that keeps on grifting!

Kari Lake, aka Fake Lake, was all in on avoiding culture wars and talking a good “MAGA Talk” game. But she did not get elected Governor of Arizona. Republicans across the country just assumed that the Red Tsunami would create the results that they wanted. However, just because voters hate Joe Biden does not mean they are going to vote for “the other guy.” For too long, hard-core or civic-minded conservatives have been disappointed again and again. We want to results, not rhetoric, not rallies, not rah-rah.

We want to win, and we want to transform are failing, flailing country’s fortunes into strong victories once again. We need to win, because our country cannot stand by and tolerate the further Cultural Marxist degradation we are enduring.

I appreciate Perdo calling out Fake Lake. She has been all talk, all smarm, all smart-ass, but no results. I am fed up with press conferences. I am fed up with hearing “Trump is my President” and “America First,” but no realities, not victories, no lasting legacies to back it up.

We can and must do better as a country. Yes, we need to admit that Conservatives have not conserved anything, and that we are the New Radicals, the True Traditionalists fighting for the restoration of Faith, Family, and Freedom. But we need to demand more than playing defense, controlled opposition, and whining about how unfair everything is when the Left cheats. The Right plays Queensbury rules, and the Left brings a machete.

Pedro Gonzalez has not been afraid to ruffle Trump feathers. Fake Lake has been a particular target of his, in part because they wanted to cave on the essential cultural issues:

Check out how Kari Lake’s Press Team responded:

This biting, necessary criticism reminds me of the recent post published by Darin Gaub of Montana.

Click here to read it:

Here’s the gist of the article above:

Do we want to get things done efficiently, or do we want to accomplish goals effectively?

The Conservative Movement has been all too invested in efficiency, or a show of ebullience. “Look at all my followers! Look at all the influencers that follow us!” Social media presence is not activism.

“Look at all the meetings I attend! Look at all the videos I have made!” That is also not activism.

When we talk about activism, we are talking about attaining political power to accomplish proper goals and to restore constitutional governance. We need government leadership that is effective, not just efficient, and not just popular or effete. “Did you get the job done?” should be our question, not “How many people heard your message?”

We are not at a lack for information or informing people. Our deficit right now is engaging others and enforcing proper norms in our constitutional republic.

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