Dearly Beloved Brother Arthur,

As we approach the celebration of the Resurrection of our LORD Jesus this week our world faces many challenges.  There are wars and rumor of wars, famine increasing, soaring inflation, natural disasters, and man made disasters.  God is not shocked by these and actually warned us that these would occur.

Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.”  Matthew 24:6-8

But our God is good to us and will deliver us through these events.  We just need to keep seeking Him and calling upon Him in prayer.

REJOICE!!  God loves you and will never leave you.  In Romans 8:28 it states “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

One way to express our love to God is by worshiping Jesus through praising Him with songs. Sing praises unto our LORD Jesus Christ.  For He is good and deserves our daily praise and worship!

Arise My Love                                      >>

Resurrection Morn                              >>

Thank You Jesus For the Blood          >>

Amazing Love                                        >>

How Great Is Our God                         >>

After over 2 months of battling infections in the hospital 4 times while calling on the LORD Jesus for His Healing Power and being restricted to wheelchair and a walker GOD has answered not only my prayers but yours also!!  Today I walked into a couple of markets being held up by GOD’s mighty arms!!  The Holy Spirit not only intervenes for us but also ensures we will never be left behind or forgotten.  GOD loves us, providing us His Mercy, Grace, Love, and Presence.  Thank you for praying for me!!  The following two worship songs are special to me because GOD fights all our battles including physical issues.  Thank you Jesus!!

The Battle Belongs To The Lord          >>

Isn’t The Name Of Jesus Wonderful  >>

Continue to pray for one another.  We will continue to pray for you.  😉

Love from your brothers in Christ our Messiah, Lord and King,

jOe,   aka: ~ LogoSentinel™ <>< ©

  bOb,   aka: ~ LogoSeeker™ <>< ©

The LogoServant Brothers

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