I understand that Donald Trump did some good stuff during his 4 years in office. Sure, we had a strong economy and we were energy independent. Yes, he appointed 3 new Supreme Court justices, And they repealed Roe v. Wade. But in the last two years he has denigrated the pro-life movement, and his Supreme Court justices have not been as conservatives as they should have been. Besides, there is more to conservatism than low taxes and cheap gas.

And you know what? There’s a lot of stuff that he didn’t complete, including the border wall, ending the birthright citizenship fraud, and cracking down on The Swamp. And there’s some stuff that he started that was bad, like supporting the LGBT agenda, undermining Second Amendment protections, and increasing the national debt by $7.2 trillion.

Sure, he kept us out of more foreign wars, but he didn’t get our troops out of Afghanistan. When crime was breaking out across the country, he posed for photos and tweeted “LAW AND ORDER!’ Trump surrounded himself with sycophants who flattered him, then undermind him at every turn. He has still not learned the lesson that personnel is policy! He still calls RINO Lindsey Graham a friend.

We need a president who will make promises and keep them, and who is not afraid to take the lead and do what is right even when everybody else says that it’s wrong. We need a president who is not afraid to use executive power and accomplish good ends. We need a president who has a record of success not just for himself, but for helping other Republicans and other good people getting elected. We need a president who has a broad vision not just to make America great again for four years, but who will restore America’s greatness and attachment to our foundational beliefs and fundamental principles for years to come.

And above all we need somebody who has stood up completely to the health care-police state that was imposed upon us because of COVID-19.

And that is why I support Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for President!

#DeSantisMyCalifornia #DeSantis2024

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