Larry Elder ran for Governor of California last year, and got stomped on two-to-one in the recall. The California voters are so stupid, that they were will to settle for more of Gavin Newsom’s terrible tyranny, rather than bank on someone–anyone–better.

Now Elder is thinking about running for President. He wants to highlight key issues that are plaguing the country’s culture, not just the political problems.

I think it’s commendable that he wants to draw attention to fundamental problems in America society. 

I don’t think he’s going to make a big difference or get people’s attention if he’s quoting 18th Century philosophers whom the vast majority of Americans have never heard of.

Fellow patriot,

I want to take a different approach with you today.

If you ever studied philosophy, you probably know about Immanuel Kant’s “Categorical Imperative.” One way of looking at this theory is: a particular action can be determined as right or wrong simply by examining whether there would be chaos if EVERYONE were to take that action.

Now, how does this apply to us?

We’re in a fight for the soul of America and to save ourselves from more suffering at the hands of Biden and his destructive policies.

In order to beat the Democrats – who are outraising and outspending us – and win back Congress in two months, we need your financial support.

But if EVERYONE reading this chose NOT to help us raise the funds we need to get our message out, hold the Left accountable, support Republican candidates, and save our country, then there would be chaos. The Democrats would be allowed to buy their way to victory and continue wreaking havoc on our economy, security, prosperity, and freedoms.

If you’re counting on someone else to give, then they probably are too. And if that’s the case we will NEVER be able to keep up with the Democrats and we will lose to them in November.

If you recognize that we need resources in order to win in November, then please step up and make a donation today. Literally ANY amount – whether it’s $500 or $5 – will make an impact in this competitive election.

If we all just expect others to step up, then NO ONE will. Saving America is up to you and me. Are you with me?

Larry Elder

P.S. America has had enough chaos under Biden, and it’s up to us to put a stop to it. I’m in this fight, and I need your support to continue. With just two months left and Democrats gaining in the polls, will you put some skin in the game to ensure we can restore conservative leadership of America and get our nation back on track?

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Larry Elder is a categorical “No” from me for President. I did not support him for governor, either, since he sided up with most of the liberal cultural issues, including his support for allowing confused men to use women’s restrooms. What a crock!

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