A hateful troll named Duane Paul Murphy attempted to harass me on my Facebook page.

He’s clearly a soy boy. Check out his profile:

Here’s another picture:

Judging by his excessively pale skin, he probably does not go out that much. Like many soy boys, he probably stays at home, watching TV in his mother’s basement, doing unspeakable things to himself while looking at illicit sites online.

And he is a child abuser.

Consider the hateful invective he used against me in a private chat:

He is clearly a militant in the LGBT camp. He uses the same tired, hateful tirades like “Fascist” “Transphobic, homophobic” etc.
He supports this agenda, clearly.
And he goes out of his way to flaunt it, too:

Anyone who supports the corruption of minors, sex mulilation of children, or the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism to the public is a child abuser. There is no other way out of it.

Duane Paul Murphy is a child abuser.

He also looks like a sex offender. Let’s hope and pray that he is nowhere near children.

Please report him if you see him in near you or in your community. Anyone who pushes LGBT perversion is a child abuser, and that is Soy Boy Duane with a Capital D.

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