On May 7th, 2024, large numbers of Torrance residents spoke out against the proposed pride resolution for the city of Torrance.

For the second year in a row, Mayor Chen declined to recognize pride month, and rightfully so. These are behaviors, so-called lifestyle choices, and not innate identities.

Furthermore, he has shared that there are other proclamations which has dismissed, like “Walk Your Dog Week.” It’s time for the city council to get back to dealing with serious, substantive issues, not virtue-signaling over a bunch of divisive proclamations. These kind of government-based exhortations are just ridiculous.

But, there is one strident voice in the city of Torrance who insists on celebrating sexual perversion.

His name is Adam Schwartz:

Adam Schwartz


He is also a vocal member of the Downtown Torrance Association, and he is obsessed with pushing LGBT in the city of Torrance. From the Talk of Torrance:

At the June 6th Torrance City Council Meeting, several Torrance residents came to speak about the lack of a Pride Proclamation for the city. Mayor George Chen had made it clear that Torrance would not have a Pride Month. The Downtown Torrance Association decided to write, propose, and approve of their own People’s Pride Proclamation and read it during the Oral Communications of the June 6th meeting.
Isabel Douvan Schwartz and Adam Schwartz, members of the Downtown Torrance Association, explained that, “if the City Council and the Mayor won’t issue a Pride Proclamation this year, the people will. And […] if the city drops the ball, Downtown Torrance has not and Downtown Torrance has your back”. 

It is really disturbing the extent that local activists want to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism in the public, and especially around children.

What does a business association have to do with pushing sodomy in the streets, anyway?

Schwartz was so determined for disturbed men to push their “schwartz” in public, that he insisted on launching his own pride celebration at the Torrance city council chambers last year:


Six people showed up … really.

Does it make sense for six people to shove this destructive agenda onto everyone else? Why does the city of Torrance have to bend over (no pun intended) to celebrate one interest group at the expense of every other person in the city?

This year, Adam with another small band of LGBT activists (really, disruptors) came to the May 7th, 2024 Torrance City Council meeting to support Councilwoman Sharon Kalani’s pushing for a pride resolution, even though the mayor had wisely, correctly decided to forgo the resolution again this year.

What was really stunning, and quite vindicating, was that the vast majority of people in the audience opposed the resolution. People of all ages and backgrounds said NO to pride. It was a great scene. Clearly, Torrance residents don’t want sexual degradation to get special treatment.

The Muslim community came out in large numbers to oppose the pride resolution, as well. I was honored to meet with them the week before, informing that Councilman Sheikh was thinking about supporting this resolution. They were glad that I had informed them about what was going on. They confronted Councilman Sheikh about the resolution at Friday prayers at the Islamic Institute of Torrance, and then they appeared in considerable numbers in person to oppose the resolution! It was great to see a bold stance against this perverse agenda which has been forced on the general public in all too many ways, shapes, and forms.

Not just the Muslims, but many Christians, and many Asian-Americans also spoke out against this terrible resolution. If Councilwoman Kalani was trying to unite the community, she did a pretty good job, but not in the way that she intended.

Councilman Aurelio Mattucci gave one of the boldest statements against the resolution, calling out the fact that the whole LGBT has shown its fascist face, shoving its abuses in everyone else’s face. The fact that his son had received an invasive, abusive questionaire about his own gender identity and sexual conduct was really infuriating. Keep in mind that Aurelio’s son is only ten years old, yet he received a survey asking him “What is your gender?” with four choices listed (there are only two sexes, for those who are till confused), and then another question asking him if he was gay, straight, non-binary, etc. Not even five years ago, if a stranger was asking someone’s child such outrageous questions, he would be in a jail cell. That is child abuse, nothing more.

Yes, a divided city council ultimately approved the terrible resolution, which corrupts the civil rights movement and turns lies and abuse into essential characters, but in the long run, the massive turnout of people against this ill-conceived resolution, plus the clear lack of peace or joy in the faces of those who ultimately caved in and supported this resolution, proved that the passage of this resolution was no victory.

Adam Schwartz certainly shared as much:


Adam Schwartz had a total meltdown on social media after the city council meeting. He called Torrance residents ignorant bigots.

He called Asian-Americans ignorant bigots.

He called Muslim-Americans ignorant bigots.

He called Christians ignorant bigots.

He called anyone who thinks that sexual license shouldn’t be celebrated in the streets and shoved in people’s faces ignorant bigots.

He called children, adults, men and women, parents who care the safety of their well-being ignorant bigots.

What’s worse, though, is that when Councilman Mattucci called out the abusive surveys his son had received, Councilwoman Kalani called that point “decisive” in her push for the pride month resolution.

And apparently, so does Adam Schawartz.

He’s ok with kids being groomed in the classroom by this agenda, too.

This is who the Downtown Torrance Association thinks should represent them?

Contact them and ask them: “When are you going to get rid of Adam Schwartz? How do you expect Downtown Torrance to thrive when one of your most outspoken members thinks that Torrance residents are ignorant bigots? How do you expect Torrance businesses to thrive when they are represented by a hatemonger who thinks it’s OK for creepy adults to groom kids in the classroom?”

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adam.schwartz.750

DTA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Downtowntorrance

Email: streetfaire@gmail.com

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