Governor Bobby Jindal at CPAC 2013 (Gage Skidmore)National
wrote a glowing review still not getting proper national attention:Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has enjoyed a spectacular run of success
at governing his state, overhauling Louisiana, once derided as America’s
“banana republic,” by cutting down corruption, improving business-friendliness,
and reforming the health-care system. In fact, Jindal’s efforts were so
successful that the Democratic party essentially didn’t bother putting forth a
challenger in 2010; Louisiana had gotten so bad that dramatically reducing
spending and cracking down on ethics violations didn’t anger the body politic
at all. His
National Education Plan? Less Washington. Less Bush (“Bush” includes not
just his current contender, but George W. Bush, whose No Child Left Behind plan
has left many behind while forcing ahead the federal government into a local
Following the 2012 disappoint of the Romney-Ryan ticket, Jindal got bold and
sought to fill in the leadership vacuum in the GOP.
“We have to stop
being the Stupid Party” he declared. The Hill
further reported:
For Jindal, a
popular rising star in the party who is thought to be an early contender for
the 2016 presidential nomination, that recalibration involves Republicans
learning to “stop insulting the intelligence of voters.”
Despite the
critiques of fiscal hawks, Jindal correctly pointed out that a polity
austerity was not enough to win votes: “We must become the party
of growth”.
Before US Senate candidates Cory Gardner and Thom Tillis took away the
“War on Women”” meme regarding contraception, the social and
fiscal conservative Jindal called
for permitting over-the-counter contraception.
Unlike other candidates, Jindal bypassed the PC and announced “Islam
has a problem”. Jindal
calls Hillary Clinton a liar, yet compliments Bernie Sanders for his honest
embrace of European Socialism. He wittily slammed
Hillary’s hubby Bubba for this lie: “The era of Big Government is over”. When
governors throughout the South and the Midwest were caving on religious liberty,
he refused to cave to the Big Government, Big Business onslaught against the
First Amendment. When the state legislature in Louisiana refused to pass RFLA
laws, he
issued an executive order to affirming freedom of religion and conscience
for all Louisianans.
So, why is Jindal struggling in the polls? The national audience does not
know about him. He is not a popular governor in Louisiana, either, with
an abysmal 27% approval rating. Why? “Bipartisan dissatisfaction”,
according to the Best of New Orleans. com. Then again, this article slighted the
brave opposition of 47 Republican US Senators against Barack Obama’s flailing
Iran deal. Besides, according
to an editorial in the New Orleans Time-Picayune, the Big Easy’s budget
problems relate to structural issues beyond Jindal, which require looking back
and looking forward. In short, they cannot blame Jindal.

As the Louisiana Governor declared in his first debate:
[W]e got a lot of politicians that will kiss babies, cut ribbons, do
whatever it takes to be popular. That’s not why I ran for office. I think our
country is tired of the politicians who simply read the polls and fail to lead.
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback curried resistance from 100 Republicans as
well as Democratic during his reelection bid in 2014. The adult always takes
heat from the kids after taking away their toys (and government entitlements).
If Jindal can enter the nest Top Ten debate forum, while fixing the
budgetary and political problems in his home state, Jindal will position
himself strongly for front-runner status. Or at least prove his executive chops
for VP.

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