The Respect for Marriage Act passed in the Senate, and all amendments, including one that would protect religious liberty, were rejected.
This bill has always been bad for kids, but now it’s also going to be bad for Christians. The bill now returns to the House for a vote, and we urge you to contact your representatives and tell them to oppose the RFMA.
Here are several articles and clips you can forward to your House members highlighting the RFMA harms to children:
Read our full-throated rebuke of the Respect for Marriage Act in the Washington Examiner
“When the Supreme Court invalidated much of DOMA in both its United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges rulings, it largely ignored the interests and needs of children, instead focusing on the desires of adults. But what an adult wants is simply not as important as what a child needs, and the fact remains that children need both a mother and father — and depriving them of one or the other affects their identity and development.”
Read Article Here
Our most recent interview with Tony Perkins of Family Research Council on increased legislative efforts to manufacture motherless and fatherless kids in the name of “equality.”
Watch interview on FRC’s broadcast HERE
“The ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ is actually the ‘Disrespect Children Act.'”
Talking to hundreds in the live audience and tens of thousands online, Katy explained how children haven’t changed, so marriage can’t either.
Watch Her PrayVoteStand Speech Here
Prioritizing Kids
We spoke with the Washington Stand on “why children need to be prioritized in matters of marriage. and family.”
Watch Interview Here
Issues, Etc. Podcast
We sat down with Todd Wilken at Issues, Etc. to discuss why the Respect for Marriage Act is so damaging to children.
Listen to Issues, Etc. Podcast Here!
We spoke with Tony Perkins of Family Research Council about why Senators must vote No. 
Watch our interview on FC’s Pray, Vote, Stand broadcast HERE!
Facebook Live Chat with Jenn and Katy!

Click Here to watch them discuss why we must continue arguing for children’s rights.
How will legislatively codifying same-sex marriage harm children?
A study on same-sex parenting found that compared to children with opposite-sex parents, children of same-sex parents:Experienced “definite” or “severe” emotional problems at a rate of 14.9% versus 5.5%.Were diagnosed with ADHD [attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder] at a rate of 15.5% versus 7.1%. Struggled with learning disabilities at a rate of 14.1% versus 8%.Received special education and mental health services at a rate of 17.8% versus 10.4%.    Click for a breakdown of how children of same-sex parents fare
Thank You
Them Before Us is a global children’s rights movement fueled by ordinary, courageous adults who are willing to stand between children and the powerful forces that seek to undermine their rights.
Your support makes it possible for Them Before Us to change hearts, change laws, and translate these child-centric truths into every language.
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