The Democratic Party is in big trouble. They are looking at huge losses going into 2018, especially in the United States Senate. Then comes 2020, and the news has just arrived that the Supreme Court will allow Trump’s travel ban to continue, regardless of the lower federal court’s opposition. Besides, the Supreme Court is going to sustain the defunding of sanctuary cities as well as the building of the wall. The Democratic Party is dead for all intents and purposes. And there is nothing that the newly elected Maggie Hassan can do about it.
Arthur — We won our Senate race in New Hampshire last November by just 1,017 votes. That’s barely 100 people per county. If we hadn’t been able to hire one more organizer or had to cut back on ad time just a little bit, it’s easy to see how this election could have gone the other way — and there’d be one more Republican in the Senate. So take it from me, Arthur: every dollar you give to elect Democrats makes a difference. Because we had what it took to win, I get to work every day in the Senate with Democrats who are standing up for hardworking Americans and their families. I couldn’t be prouder to be resisting Trump and Washington Republicans’ attempts to repeal affordable care, weaken our public schools, and turn the clock back on women’s rights. But we need more Democrats — at the local, state, and federal level — if we’re going to win these fights, and that means we need to win more close elections like mine this year and in 2018. Arthur, that’s where you come in. Friday is a big end-of-quarter fundraising deadline for Democrats. We need to elect Democratic governors and state legislators in Virginia and New Jersey in November, and lay the groundwork to take back Congress next year. Every election matters, and even $10 can make a difference in a close race — I guarantee it. Before Friday’s quarterly deadline, pitch in $10 or whatever you’re able to help Democrats win. Thank you. With every good wish, Maggie Hassan
U. S. Senator, New Hampshire The Reoubulicans outragise dthe Democartic big time. Huge money compared to what the foundering, desperate Democrats brought it

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