I love Gov. DeSantis!

He knows how to fight. He knows how to win.

And most importantly, he is not afraid to stand up to LGBT agednda on the Right as well as on the Left!

Check out his latest ad, right at end of “Pride” month:

I am so glad that DeSantis took on the Orange Man and his obsession with making nice with LGBT perversion.

I am so glad to have a Presidential contender who will call out LGBT everything.

I am so glad to have a Presidential candidate who wants to fight the culture wars, and knows how to WIN the culture wars, too.

President Trump reshaped the political landscape, but it’s a huge mistake to think that this country is going to get better if we do not take a firm stance for natural marriage, life, and family. President Trump has showed all too often a willingness to cave and “get along to go along.” That is the last thing that we need now in this country.

For all of President Trump’s tough talk about “Make America Great Again,” you cannot make America great again if you do not:

  1. Make Male and Female Great Again
  2. Make Marriage Great Again
  3. Make Mom and Dad Great Again.

There is no debate on these issues.

There is no point to “Build the Wall!” if you do not build the family.

There is no point to stopping illegal immigration or mass immigration if a country’s native population is plummetting, and there is no effort to ensure a course correction.

There is no point to economic growth and development if public health and public morals collapse in the street.

We need to stand against the LGBT juggernaut. We need to reject sexual perversion and profligacy. What happens in private has public consequences, and right and wrong remain right and wrong, whether people are watching or not.

Governor DeSantis understands the larger need to fight for what is right, and to stand against the LGBT agenda. He is my first choice in the 2024 Presidential primaries.

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