Hello, You are all receiving this important & vital information because too many are using the excuse, “I just didn’t know.”;

My name is David Arthur Kendall. I am the Founder of IBA Ministries. I’m also an EX-gay man that spent 30+ years as a member/advocate of/for the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult. Please do not let my bold choice of words deter you, I know this movement from the inside out and can assure you, it is a cult.

I was a transgender “woman” for over 20 years. 

David Arthur Collage Past Photos.jpg

I was the suicidal transkid always exploited by those trying to push a TransQueer agenda, but what they don’t tell is that I was also a suicidal trans-adult because affirmation, acceptance & transition does not remove the confusion, depression, angst or suicidal tendencies. What removes suicidal ideation is removing the confusion and indoctrination of the lgbTQia TransQueer agenda as well as those “therapists” or “social workers” that push the agenda. THAT is the ONLY way to stop the confusion, angst, depression & hurt that these children are experiencing. And the ONLY way to stop their suicidal ideation.
My story is exactly what is happening in your town & schools. I was targeted, desensitized, groomed, indoctrinated, sexualized, victimized, criminalized, sex-trafficked and conditioned by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow cult. Just like your youth are being targeted now. That rainbow flag that is flying high all around your town and schools? It represents perversion and chaos! An actual cult is being promoted and encouraged to continue it’s assault on children and families everywhere.
I have proof that this movement is composed of groomers, pedophiles and pedo-apologists. My proof? My past! I am a registered sex-offender due to being sex-trafficked and groomed/conditioned to become an agent for my handlers. Not an excuse for my past choices, just truth/facts.
Pushing for “gender-affirmation” (mutilation & sterilization) opens pandora’s box and promotes/endorses dangerous affirmation that WILL cause irreversible damage. When I was a member of this cult I was “happy, content & secure” according to anyyone who knew me. Nobody had a clue I was miserable, depressed and very suicidal. Just remember that very important fact whether you agree with me or not.
Many therapists, gender clinics, and misled money hungry doctors are already experimenting on children. They are already giving puberty blockers & wrong-sex hormones to children WITHOUT parental consent. They are already providing wrong-sex hormones (HRT) to children. They are already either referring surgeries or conducting them depending on which clinic you go to. The combination of wrong-sex hormones and puberty blockers ALWAYS results in sterility and are NOT REVERSIBLE. But either can sterilize a child without the other. These drugs are NOT safe, NOT reversible and DO cause serious lifelong irreversible damage, creating lifelong medical patients.
I was on wrong-sex hormones ONLY (not puberty blockers) at age 14 and by the time I was 20 years old I was sterile and had Osteopenia, by the time I was 30 years old I suffered from Osteoporosis. By age 15 my mental deterioration (from the wrong-sex hormones) was out of control. Age 16 I attempted suicide for the 2nd time (age 13 was the 1st). I was an emotional, physical & mental wreck from wrong-sex hormones and from the confusion of this debilitating mental illness. I now have the bones of an 80 year old woman as a 51 year old man. 
Youth are being subjected to social contagions through gaming, internet and surroundings (peers, curriculum, etc) while also suffering from underlying issues that are not being addressed. These comorbidities make them even more susceptible to this contagion; this cult. PLEASE heed my words. I know this cult better than most and have endured, survived & overcame!
Adults prey on these mentally disabled youth that suffer from gender dysphoria, which literally is defined as “an abnormal condition of mental confusion.” They do this online, in apps, at gender clinics, pediatricians offices, in the public government school system and especially in “therapy” sessions. These predators lure children, that suffer from a mental disorder, away from their parents/family (keeping secrets from parents lets the children know that mommy & daddy are the enemy) and “advocate” for that child to get trans-affirming “care” and that child would then be used, abused, profited off of, passed around and then tossed out like common garbage when of no more use, OR be conditioned to be an agent of his/her handlers. This IS what WILL come if this lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult AGENDA is allowed to continue.
I am telling you all, to please please please know that there are thousands of detransitioners out there. Of course the peddlers of this agenda and trans-organizations (which happen to be funded by Big Pharma Companies) tell you that the number of detransitioners is low with biased statistics, but detrans people NEVER return to the same doctors, therapists or clinics they hold responsible for destroying them mind, body & soul! Many detransitioners are still marked down as “happily transitioned” for statistical purposes. I believe there are more detransitioners & desisters out there than actual “happily transitioned” individuals.
10 years ago I was yelling from the rooftops that children were the target. That children were being desensitized and sexualized with obscene, explicit materials and now you all see that very clearly. 10 years later these materials are now available in the schools and fulfill their purpose to desensitize and indoctrinate children, while furthering a pederast/pedophile agenda.
In 2017 I warned everyone within the sound of my voice that the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult has infiltrated the schools as well as the minds of the youth and there would be a WAVE of trans-identified children. NOW we have a 4000% increase in youth that identify as trans. Social Workers are NOT using evidence-based materials. They are using research done by pederasts/pedophiles, pedophile-apologists and pederast organizations THAT ARE FUNDED BY BIG PHARMA to manipulate the system which gives them more access to children as well as the personal thoughts & secrets of these vulnerable children!

Not here to say I told ya so to anyone! But… can we afford to take a chance that I may be right this time as well? I am begging you all to give heed to my words because these gender-affirming policies WILL destroy any hope left to rescue these children from this cult that has lured, bamboozled and confused them. Tell the children NOT to run into the rainbow and join a cult. That cult WILL destroy them mind, body & soul.

What about medical & mental health facts? There is NO consensus among all medical providers on how to treat gender identity disorders in youth. Without differential diagnoses or treatment of their mental co-morbidities, vulnerable children are being ushered mindlessly by their doctors & therapists towards puberty blockers, synthetic wrong-sex hormones, procedures and surgeries that will cause IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE. The evidence proves that these methods sterilize youth and destroy their sexual function, physical bodies, and mental health.

Progressive European countries that pioneered these trans-affirming medical treatments recently conducted a Systematic Evidence Review and discovered that these treatments are ineffective and harmful because they lead to severe medical & mental health issues as well as social ones. Consequently, since 2021 a number of European countries began abolishing pediatric transgender medicalization.

In actuality, ALL medical affirming procedures must be stopped! For now, I will settle for stopping the barbaric sterilization, mutilation and experimentation of CHILDREN. We must stop medicalizing and destroying children; mind, body & soul!
Regret Is Common. Please remember that. There is a tidal wave of depression, suicide, and law suits coming. Can your towns, cities or school departments afford to pay out millions, maybe billions, in settlements because of biased information provided by tainted therapists and board members? These “therapists” have no integrity, they have a responsibility to the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult! That is where their devotion lies.
Here is a reference of medical facts/information for you to take into consideration ~ https://www.ibelongamen.com/research2023.html 
It is okay to stand up against a movement that is clearly and boldly targeting children. Do not allow the ignorance of guilt or shame stop you from making the right decisions. You have now been informed. You no longer have an excuse.
PLEASE consider my own life knowledge & experience in making ANY decisions on Policies or Rules that involve this cult and this destructive agenda. 
I am always open & available for questions, comments & concerns. I welcome any meeting or gathering where my physical presence would be beneficial in slowing the rapid onset of this delusional and dangerous cult. I would also love the opportunity to provide info on homosexuality being an addiction to anyone that may be dealing with that or someone who is. ♥
I am located in Hancock, Maine.
Thank you, David
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