Merry Christmas Eve CRA Presidents and Board members Here’s a Short Christmas wish list and Goals for a Strong CRA for 2023, a few of us Presidents and Directors are wishing for this coming year.We have imagination and dreams like all of us!Realizing our Leadership needs feedback from us, this is a good start for 2023.If you like these ideas -take them, use them andask for them at CRA Meetings both personally and publicly from our Leadership.For our Leadership are the Santa Clause’s that can make it happen for us!

image.pngPlease Sir’s, May We have some more?*******************************************************************************1) Membership Marketing Programs to assist every Unit that can be developed inexpensively and pursued purposely and continuously for New Unit Members.2) Workshops or handouts at Convention and Boardmeetings to divulge certain easy information for member meeting organizations, membership development, inter-unit communication, and local purposes of each participating CRA units.3) CRA Leadership to Membership Monthly Email Newsletter4) CRA President & Officers to Directors/Deputies Educational Monthly Email Newsletter5) CRA Leadership assistance to identify Units in California that need help with Membership maintenance or increase that Area Officers & Directors can help with.6) CRA Leadership identifies Areas in California that could use CRA Unit(s) and set as goals publically.7) Monthly membership totals/renewals to Presidents and monthly EFT payments paid to each CRA Units, not 90 days.8) Calendar Year Membership Renewals instead of Annual Jan 1st.This will sustain membership in the Units every year, instead of the Units ‘falling apart’ in January and finally recovering in February or March.9) Statewide and Unit CRA Branding Coordination and products benefitting both.10) Workshop(s) at Conventions Or County wide meetings for developing and giving a template for Local CRA Unit involvement with City Council(s), School Board(s), Library Board(s) – etc11) A CA Republican Assembly 10,000 Membership  goal for 2023!.Thank you for your Volunteering like all of us for 2022 andmay we all benefit with a Red State California improvements for the upcoming year.God Bless you and Merry Christmas.
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