I am really grateful for Matt Walsh calling out the necessary attitude that we need to have in fighting the radical gender ideology assaulting kids across the country.

He harshly criticized a creepy male influencer named Dylan Mulvaney, who pretends to be a woman, and who wants to enable the mutilation of minors. And he was right to do so.

Here’s the tweet that Matt Walsh sent out:

The core difference between me and my critics on the Right is that I aim to utterly defeat, humiliate and demoralize those who castrate children, wage war on the foundations of human society, and attack truth itself, while my critics hope to find “common ground” with these people

A number of these critics have shared the following sentiment:

What you’re missing here is that the target is the 80 percent of Americans who aren’t culture warriors. Who are just living their lives. You’re not gonna convince the woke. Nether can I. But together, we can sway the massive middle. By different means.

In a longer video, Matt Walsh makes it clear that his goal is not to win minds, but to defeat, humiliate, and destroy the Left, to put an end to their vile fantasies that a man can become a woman, that it’s OK to put children under the knife for so-called “gender modification.”

To his further credit, he has called out podcasters who get all excited when a transvestite starts pushing back on gender ideology. One guy in a pink dress dismissed the notion of “non-binary” identity. Matt Walsh mocked the readiness of conservatives to get all excited about these LGBT influencers. Why? Because even while they are condemning one lie, they are promoting another lie.

Here’s where I still find room to criticize Matt Walsh. He is OK going after the T, but he has said almost nothing about going after the LGB. There is a growing movement on the Right right now to form so-called allied connections with people who act out as homosexuals or transgender but who want to stop the grooming of children, who want to stop the medicalization and sexualization of minors.

But here’s the thing: those so-called “virtuous” homosexuals and transgenders are trying to normalize their own lies, their own perversions. One young groomer, Clarkson Lawson, tried to cover for himself by claiming “I am not a groomer, because I don’t talk about sex with kids.”

The truth is, though, that he wants to depict and normalize homosexual couples. He wants to make it OK to teach kids that it’s OK for children to have two mommies or two daddies, and that that is totally normal. Not only is it not normal, it’s abusive to the children, and it’s a total lie. Every child has a biological mother and a father. There is no way that a child can have anything else.

Furthermore, we see the failure of this argument to focus on “just don’t teach sex to my kid.” LGBT activists will then argue: “Well, you shouldn’t suggest that boys can get married some day, either. That’s “sexualizing” the kid. They will also assert that teachers should take off their wedding rings and hide pictures of their spouses, because that also “talks about sex to kids.”

All of this verbal spin just goes to show the lengths that so many conservatives will go to to avoid saying: “Homosexuality is wrong, transgenderism is wrong, and it should not be taught to kids OR promoted in public.”

And this brings me back to Matt Walsh. Yes, we need to confront the left aggressively, demonize their positions, and shame and humiliate them until they are defeated, until we break their will. But it’s somewhat disingenuous for Matt Walsh to say that we need to call out transgenderism, but he and his colleagues at the Daily Wire are OK with Dave Rubin having his false marriage with another man, and then the two of them acquire children via surrogacy. That is just as wrong as Pete Buttigieg having a fake spouse and taking two children away from their natural parents, denying them a mother as well as a father.

It’s time to call out not just the Left and the Right on this issue, but to stand for truth and show no compromise in calling out of the evil of this LGBT agenda.

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