If you want any proof that the corporate media has hit its lowest lows, look no further than the Citrus County Chronicle.

They are obsessed with MassResistance, and they are particularly targeting our Florida chapter in Citrus County, headed by John Labriola.

Jeff Bryan is the rude, unprofessional editor who has made it his mission to target MassResistance and its Florida activists in Citrus County.

Check out his latest vapid editorial:

The Other Guy: Those seeking office must represent entire community

Citrus County is a beautiful place to reside, and what makes it charming, besides the natural resources, is the people: the folks we work with daily, our neighbors, civic leaders and business leaders.

It is a beautiful place, but they have a really crappy newspaper with corrupt editors.

Each of them is unique in the qualities and attributes they bring to the table. We are all different, and much like our country, we are a melting pot of diverse individuals with different backgrounds.

Here comes the “diversity” tactic. Identities are one thing. Behaviors are not. There is a place for discriminating against behaviors.

It’s no secret: Right now Citrus County is facing a number of critical issues.

We have poor roads.

We have a severe lack of career-class jobs to not only attract young professionals but to encourage those who’ve been reared here and who have left to come back.

Even the professional jobs, like *ahem* journalism are not very professional in Citrus County. Any newspaper, in which the owners’ family are running for public office, has no integrity and should be closed down.

We are faced with an affordable and workforce housing crisis.

We have real issues that need real solutions to be addressed by our local representatives, those eager to serve the needs of every Citrus County resident, regardless of their beliefs.

Beliefs is one thing; behaviors are something else. Some behaviors should not be tolerated or celebrated, like homosexuality, transgenderism, or defamatory hate in the local press.

Right now, there’s a festering problem in Citrus County, a group of folks who don’t believe that every individual resident should be afforded the same rights to be recognized, valued and appreciated.

This is one of many lies in this brazen, empty editorial.

Citrus Crusader, the local branch of MassResistance led by John Labriola, and other members of this faction have been critical of the library’s Gay Pride displays, critical of county government and schools.

More people need to be critical of those obscene displays. Why would anyone think it’s appropriate to promote sexual deviancy, destruction, and dysfunction to children?

The Citrus County Chronicle is OK with pushing LGBT on children. Sounds like grooming to me.

MassResistance was labeled an anti-LGBTQ hate group in 2021 by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group, and anyone who promotes the SPLC is a hate group in turn. It’s very disturbing that a local newpaper has not only embraced grooming children as a policy, but promotes hate.

Now this local group is dipping its toes in Citrus County’s political waters, offering “endorsements” in local and state races.

Our local chapter endorsed candidates. They have a First Amendment right to do so. They put the needs of children and parents first. Would that hate groups like the Citrus County Groomer Chronicle would do the same.

Candidates, including Diana Finegan, Mary Seader and Dr. Paul Reinhardt, have embraced these “endorsements.”

GOOD FOR THEM! They don’t believe in grooming children in public spaces or private places, and they don’t want adults in authority to groom children, either.

That’s alarming. By embracing the endorsements, they’re embracing what the group stands for, which is division.

The Citrus Groomer Chronicle is fostering division. They are focused on MassResistance, when they should start asking some basic questions of the local government agencies, like “Why do the local libraries feel compelled to promote homosexuality and transgenderism to children? What kind of sick people are so obsessed with pushing sexual topics on children? And outside of the awareness and transparency of the parents?!”

We have enough division at the national level – we don’t need it at the local level.

Again, this is the pot calling the kettle cracked. They fomented the division when the quoted a hate group like the Southern Poverty Law Center. They promoted perversion when they wanted to celebrate disgusting “PRIDE” displays in the local libraries, and at taxpayers’ expense.

As Citrus Crusaders spins its false narratives of “indoctrination” at libraries and in the schools, it’s evident they haven’t spent much time in our libraries or schools. If they spent time in the library, they’d see people all of walks of life coming together. If they spent time in the schools, they’d see loving and caring teachers doing their best.

On the contrary, they are the only ones paying attention to what is happening in the libraries, along with what books are being brought into the libraries. Florida MassResistance, Citrus County has been attending county commission and library board meetings for the last eight months. They are paying attention, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. That is their right and responsibility.

How strange it is that the local newspaper is propping up the government rather than holding the local government accountable …

We have to ask ourselves, do we want to be known as a county that precludes folks because we don’t agree with their choices?

Well, isn’t this phrase interesting? He recognizes that homosexuality is not an innate behavior! Then why would he quote a hate group like the SPLC?

A key component of the “American dream” is the pursuit of happiness. Each individual has that right. They have a right to be heard, to feel welcome. This is the 21st century, and just because you or I don’t agree with another person’s choices, doesn’t mean they should be deemed outcasts because they don’t meet our standards.

People have a right to be heard, and even the small number of LGBT activists (including one lesbian who called herself a “Disney pervert”) have been heard. They do not have a right to harm children. There is nothing in the Declaration of Independence which sanctions grooming children or upending the moral order. Besides, based on the staggering number of statistics about LGBT behaviors, it’s clear that homosexuality and transgenderism are not conducive to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happineness.

With early voting now open and Primary Election Day less than two weeks away, it’s pivotal that each citizen makes the right choices for the future of all our residents, regardless of what they believe.

Citizens need to vote with their dollars and their eyes, too, by not reading the Citrus Groomer Chronicle.

Jeff Bryan is the executive editor of the Citrus County Chronicle. Contact him at jeff.bryan@chronicleonline.com.

Jeff Bryan is executive editor of the Citrus County Chronicle. Contact him at jeff.bryan@chronicleonline.com or 352-564-2930.

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