Gov. Christie could have been a contender. He had his chance in 2012, but bowed out because he wasn’t ready then—and he isn’t ready now.

The fiery prosecutor turned outsider turned governor has turned into another insider: all bluster, no muster. He pals around with liberals, and gets feted by left-wing media.

Then he goes on CNN and whines about Trump’s nasty memes mocking his weight. Christie called the stunt “childish.”

Granted, he has a point about Trump’s juvenile attacks on GOP candidates.

But it’s also childish to hold onto the fantasy that you can be President, when you couldn’t secure a Republican restoration in your home state or win a primary. It’s childish to care more about what people think instead of standing for what is right, no matter what.

And what’s Christie’s latest bid for President really all about? He wants big attention for his think-tank, and he wants to relive the fun of being the “nice Republican” media darling from the past seven years. He ran in 2016, got trumped by Trump. Now he wants another shot in 2024? Fuhgeddaboudit!

Frankly, Christie should spend more time focusing on himself. Goodness knows there’s plenty to work on.

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