“Maple Leave.” That is the best slogan that the Canadian Government could come up with to entice, invite, cajole, bribe (?) people to come back to Canada.


This cringe-worthy tourism advertisement sickened me. It gives me all the more reason NOT to come to Canada!

Check it out for yourself:

The advertisement starts with a creepy, fat, ugly, corpulently vulgar woman pretending to be a man. This woman–yes, she is a she, or is she a non-binary?–is telling people to get in on the “Maple Leave.” Got to put in a plug for the LGBTs, eh?

Then there is a scene of a guy sitting in front of a big stack of pancakes, and saying “You can eat all this.”

I can eat lots of pancakes at the International House of Pancakes … down the street from where I live, and I would pay a fraction of the cost just to dine there. I would not have to pay the extra taxes which go toward defraying the exorbitant costs of their overhyped single-payer healthcare system.

And then there’s a silly scene with a women driving a Zamboni. How many people go to Canada because they want to clean an ice rink?

Of course, we see other scenes of soyboys wanting to get peace and quiet somewhere, anywhere.

Frankly, Americans can find rural areas, pancakes, and peace and quiet just about anywhere they can in the United States. They don’t have to travel, they don’t have to get the stupid, poisonous jab, and they don’t have to look at creepy, ugly fat women pretending to be men.

But I do have to ask: why would the Canadian Government stoop so low as to much such a shameful, brazenly, crassly “woke” commercial?

Because that’s what has happened to Canada, headed by chief transgender soyboy Justin “Castro” Trudeau. Does he have any shame or self-respect left?

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