This is really inspiring. Now it’s the United States that shoulder some embarrassment at this point. Parents should be urging their children to walk out on PRIDE days throughout the United States.

Canada is showing the world how it’s done!

“But where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more.” – Romans 5:20

Dear Arthur,

As you know, Canada’s education system has become a cesspool of sexual propaganda and soul-and-body-destroying ideology.

Worse still, a majority of elected school board trustees in most districts support the programming of sexual perversion into the next generation.

But just when it has never looked darker, God casts a ray of light and hope. Let me tell you a story…

In late May, a Catholic mom in southwestern Ontario phoned Campaign Life Coalition and asked if we’d be able to recruit some parents in her local area to participate with her family in what she described as “a Walk-Out” on June 1st, to protest the raising of the LGBT “Pride” flag.

You see, this “momma bear” was sick and tired of LGBT propaganda targeting her young children at school. She wanted to protect her “cubs” from the sexualized “Pride” flag, the symbol of LGBT political power which would soon hang once again over her children’s heads at their Catholic elementary school.

We liked her idea so much so, that we told her, “Forget about just your city. CLC will take your idea on ourselves, and spread it Canada-wide! Let’s try to protect all the children!”

And so, the first ever National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day was born.

We whipped up a simple poster and a web page to promote the protest action, and began spreading the word to families in public and Catholic schools.

It was held on Thursday, June 1st, when most schools raise the Gay “Pride” flag to kick off a full month of LGBT classroom indoctrination that aims to separate children from the religious beliefs of their families and to make them enthusiastic adherents of the latest sexual revolution: gender fluidity.

Stunning Results

We would have been happy if schools had a 10% absence rate, but when the numbers started coming in, we were blown away because the participation rate far surpassed anything we could have dreamed of.

Depending on the area, absence rates were a staggering 30% to 75%!

Northwood Public School in Windsor, Ontario, saw 600 out of its 800 students stay home on June 1st. That’s an incredible 75% walk-out. The really great part is that it wasn’t isolated to just one school.

The local President of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario admitted to the CBC that multiple Windsor area schools had greater than 50% absence rates.

In Ottawa, two schools experienced a greater than 60% absence rate, and more than 40% of the desks were empty in nine other schools on the first day of so-called, LGBT “Pride” Month.

In Oakville, up to 30% of students in some schools stayed home in protest of the transgender and homosexual “Pride” flag.

In London, school officials kept numbers of absences close to their chests, but admitted to the London Free Press that there were significant “absences in pockets of schools”.

In Toronto, school officials were also tight-lipped about numbers, but admitted to media that absences in some schools were “higher than normal”.

We haven’t yet received reports from other provinces or cities, but we expect that the parental rights message was sent to school board officials loud and clear there too. And that message is:

“Schools must stop indoctrinating our children with LGBT propaganda! Start respecting parental rights.”

Keeping the flame of rebellion alive

We mustn’t give up this momentum.

While the flame still burns, we must fan it even higher, to grow parental rebellion against transgender ideology and the sexual messaging of the LGBT “Pride” flag.

How can we do that?

Some parents who participated in the June 1st National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day have told us they’re going to continue sending the message to school officials this June by keeping their children home for another week, or even, for the remainder of the month.

We think that’s a great idea, and CLC wants to encourage parents across Canada to do the same!

Let the woke educrats and school trustees know that you reject the LGBT lobby’s flag of conquest hanging over your children’s heads, just like that Catholic momma bear who first approached us.

Please – keep your kids and grandkids home from school for another week, or, if you can manage it, for the rest of the month.

By that empty desk, show them you refuse to accept the LGBT lobby’s claim of ownership on the heart, mind and soul of your son, daughter or grandchild!

June 9th in Ottawa – “Education Over Indoctrination Rally”

For those who live in the greater Ottawa area, we would like to promote an event organized by Josh Alexander and Billboard Chris (Christ Elston).

Josh, a teenager who was suspended at his Catholic high school after stating his belief that God made only male and female, and then arrested for trespassing when he tried return to class, has been touring Canada to rally young people against transgender ideology.

Billboard Chris has also been touring the country, showing up on busy streets wearing a billboard warning against the harm to children of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-change mutilation surgery.

These two powerhouse activists have teamed up for this Ottawa rally on June 9th, and are encouraging parents to keep their kids out of school that day and for families to come to the rally instead.

This is a great way for those who live within driving distance of Ottawa to send a powerful message. Please consider joining in.

Here’s another suggestion…

If you’re unable to keep your kids home for another week or the rest of June, why not at least do it one more day, on June 9th, in solidarity with Chris and Josh’s “Education over Indoctrination Rally”?

The event will be held at Broadview Ave & Carling Ave in Ottawa, starting at 11:00 am, and they will be marching. (See map)

Petition against LGBT “Pride” flag in schools takes off

CLC started a petition some time ago, to be delivered to school board trustees across Canada, which demands that they stop flying the controversial transgender and homosexual “Pride” flag, and institute a new policy which permits only the Canadian flag to be flown on school board property.

Since June 1st, the start of gay “Pride” Month, that petition has really taken off, gathering over 6,000 new signatures to reach a total, as of this writing, of almost 17,000 signatures.

This sudden interest in our NO “PRIDE” FLAG IN SCHOOLS petition is another sign that Canadians are fed up with homosexual and transgender propaganda being shoved in their faces all day long.

In closing, I would like to thank all the thousands of parents and grandparents who mobilized to keep their children home on our inaugural National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day! A special thanks goes out to the Muslim families who took part in tremendous numbers, because their participation really made an amazing impact.

You parents are the superstars who made history on June 1st, 2023. I believe this day will be talked about by future historians as a turning point in the culture wars. Let’s keep it going!

In the coming days, my colleague Josie Luetke, CLC’s Director of Education and Advocacy, will write you about the resultant media coverage and successful Pray-In events that CLC also organized at the offices of Catholic Bishops and some school boards. Stay tuned…


Jack Fonseca
Director of Political Operations
Campaign Life Coalition


This is the kind of leadership and movement that we need to see expanding in our country. This is the kind of push-back that needs to happen all over the world. I have spoken with a number of students and their parents, and they are tired of LGBT tyranny and supremacy. They are fed up with sexual perversion being pushed on them like a new religion, a tyrannical cult with which they must comply or be damned in the public eye.

Good for Canada!

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