Dear Arthur,

We made it. We survived another Pride month. Because that’s how it feels, doesn’t it? Like the constant onslaught of sexual depravity is designed to break your will?

But we actually have so much to be “proud” of accomplishing. I’m so proud of the parent-led resistance that’s emerged over the past few weeks.

So that we don’t grow too despondent or discouraged, I want to highlight some of the MANY successes of this past month:

  • On June 1, we organized the first-ever National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day and pray-ins at multiple diocesan offices and school boards, which were widely reported on by media outlets like CBC, Global News, The Toronto StarThe National Post, and Forbes. An unprecedented number of families withdrew their children from school for a day or more. In some select schools, a majority of students were absent on June 1! Read the full report here.
  • The momentum only built, with protests erupting throughout the country—outside the BC Teachers’ Federation; Calgary City Hall; a high school in Vaughan; school boards in Windsor, Hamilton, and Durham; Ottawa schools; Justin Trudeau’s office; and many other locations. Josh Alexander, Chris Elston (AKA “Billboard Chris”), and Muslim communities led the way, and CLC was honoured to help promote some of these events. I want to especially highlight the commitment of some of our Niagara-area supporters who organized a weekly rosary rally at the Niagara Catholic District School Board. Because of all these efforts, the public started to take notice.
  • The Pro-Life Society of Smithers decided to use the town’s rainbow crosswalk as an opportunity to ask the council to fly the pro-life flag and paint a pro-life crosswalk too. Pro-lifer Jessica Vandergaag commented, “If council should decide not to approve the flag and/or crosswalk, then we respectfully submit that the town should cease from elevating one group above another through the motion of groups, ideologically identifying the symbol.”

  • Other grassroots action, while not always reported on, contributed to the pressure felt by decision-makers. So many of you let me know about letters you’ve written, emails you’ve sent, delegations you’ve made, and unseen personal sacrifices you’ve offered up. Thank you. It is really important to hold our local leaders—teachers and principals, board trustees, town councillors, etc.—accountable. Minds aren’t going to change immediately, but they won’t change at all if we do nothing.
  • Our petition demanding that the Pride flag not be flown outside schools is now approaching 25,000 signatures. It is by far our most successful active petition—and reflects the growing discontent of parents.
  • Earlier this month, I shared that I had written a letter to Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo, recounting how my friend’s sister, who has gender dysphoria, is being encouraged to transition in a Durham Catholic District school. I had asked that His Grace direct all “Catholic” schools in his jurisdiction to stop condoning transgenderism, homosexual activity, and anything else contrary to Catholic teachings. (You can read the letter here.) I did receive a reply back from his office indicating the letter “will be given due consideration.” Please pray for courage and wisdom.
  • The York Catholic District School Board didn’t buckle. When 6/10 trustees voted against flying the Pride flag, they came under intense criticism and we feared that their resolve might collapse and a new vote be called. We urged our supporters to thank these trustees and tell Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Education Stephen Lecce to back off and let the YCDSB remain true to its Catholic name. Fortunately, it seems like thus far, the media campaign lambasting the board has failed.
  • New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs announced changes to Policy 713 to make private change rooms available in schools and to ensure that teachers don’t start using different pronouns or names for a student under 16 years old without the consent of that student’s parents. While these changes are insufficient—just a step towards the bare minimum—they’re still a step in the right direction, and it’s a relief that Higgs ALSO didn’t buckle. He STOOD FIRM when he was attacked by mainstream media, and thereby exemplified how all other social conservative politicians should respond when they predictably come under fire. We launched an Action Alert Email campaign in support of the Policy 713 reforms, and we like to think our lobby campaign helped him to keep standing firm.
  • Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, initially silent on the subject of Policy 713, eventually said, “I know that Justin Trudeau has butted into that. The prime minister has no business in decisions that should rest with provinces and parents. So my message to Justin Trudeau is: butt out and let provinces run schools and let parents raise kids.” His remarks are far from ground-breaking, but it’s encouraging that he’s made a small foray into the culture war.
  • The Conservative Party of British Columbia was even bolder. In response to the labelling of one of their candidates as “transphobic,” it announced the party “believes that women’s spaces must be protected, and that parents and families must have the ability to make choices around education, social values, and health decisions for their children.”
  • Saskatchewan Education Minister Dustin Duncan suspended Planned Parenthood from presenting in schools after the organization provided obscene “ABC Sex cards,” which describe various perverse sexual activities, to students at Lumsden High School.
  • The NHL will no longer make its players wear Pride jerseys after pushback from players. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said that “it’s become a distraction.”
  • Boycotts of Target, Bud Light, the LA Dodgers, Disney, etc., have attracted sustained media attention, impacting the conversation and sometimes profits. At the very least, they will likely make other companies think twice about incorporating LGBTQ propaganda into advertising campaigns.
  • Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? documentary, which critically examines transgenderism, was initially suppressed on Twitter, but after complaints, restrictions were lifted and CEO Elon Musk tweeted it out, saying: “Every parent should watch this.” (It is a MUST-WATCH, in fact. You can still watch it here.) It has garnered almost 200 million views.

Praise be to God for these many fruits.

Yes, this month bred untold harm and deception, but the evil did not go unopposed. A real resistance was mounted.

This work must continue—lovingly and peacefully.

If you haven’t yet signed our petition asking schools not to fly the flag, you can do so here.

If you haven’t yet signed our petition asking the members of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops to order “Catholic” institutions within their respective jurisdictions stop celebrating Pride, you can do so here.

We are seeking to deliver copies of these petitions in person, so please don’t delay.

If you live in Ontario, please send one of our pre-written emails to your MPP asking them to vote against Bill 94, which aims to restrict protest in “2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones.” (In other words, just as there are “bubble zones” around abortion facilities, this bill could create bubble zones around any place the LGBTQ lobby holds an event—removing both accountability and free expression.)

If you’d be interested in organizing a “pray-in” at your local school board or diocesan office next June, please let me know.

If you’re so inclined, you can take a page out of the playbook of the Pro-Life Society of Smithers and delegate to a meeting of your local school board and/or town/city council to ask that if they’re going to fly the pride flag, they fly the pro-life flag too. Or simply ask them not to celebrate Pride. I was at my local school board last week doing just that:

Wouldn’t it be great if school boards and town/city councils had to listen to similar delegations year-round?

If you’re in a position to financially support our work, please donate here or send a cheque to Campaign Life Coalition (157 Catharine St N, 2nd Floor, Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4). (Perhaps you can give a dollar for every time you saw a Pride flag these past 30 days. That may bankrupt you, but you get the idea.)

And please continue to pray. I hope this email assures you that God is moving, and that in the end, truth will prevail.

I’ll leave you with a quotation from economist Thomas Sowell:

“When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.”

In thanksgiving for all these good works,

Josie Luetke
Director of Education & Advocacy
Campaign Life Coalition

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