Dear Arthur,It’s time to elect a pro-life Conservative Leader and future Prime Minister!We were surprised to learn today that the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) began mailing out ballots three weeks earlier than previously indicated.Some pro-life CLC supporters already received it this morning, July 7th!If you’re an eligible CPC voting member, meaning you joined or renewed your party membership no later than June 3, 2022, please follow the recommendation in our Voter’s Guide to rank Leslyn Lewis as the #1 and only choice on your ballot. See sample ballot below.NOTE: A ballot is valid if at least one candidate is selected.

Out of the six candidates on the ballot, only Leslyn Lewis is pro-life.All the other candidates have publicly expressed support for killing children in the womb. So we must send a message of disapproval for that untenable, anti-human rights position, by not ranking them down-ballot.Pro-lifers should never vote for a pro-abortion candidate. It’s that simple.Lewis is the only one who deserves the support of socially conservative voters who believe in the inalienable value and dignity of every human life.Having won the popular vote during the 2020 CPC Leadership race, it is very possible that she could come out on top this time around. We know she will be a popular choice for all CPC members, so don’t believe the hype that Poilievre has this in the bag. Leslyn has a very real path to victory.You can view the main rating page on our Voter’s Guide by clicking here. The detailed rating page for each candidate can be viewed by clicking on their respective links below:• LESLYN LEWIS• ROMAN BABER• PIERRE POILIEVRE• SCOTT AITCHISON• JEAN CHAREST• PATRICK BROWN
Note: Brown was disqualified from the contest on July 5th because of allegations of fraudulent and illegal behaviour by his campaign, including allegations that his campaign paid the fee for memberships. His name will still appear on the ballot however, because the ballots had already been printed.Completed ballots must be returned to the party’s agent, Deloitte Canada, using the postage-paid business rely envelope, before September 10th.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at life, family, faith & freedom,
Jack Fonseca
Director of Political Operations
Campaign Life CoalitionP.S. For a web version of this 
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