Thank God for people like Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

She is not afraid to call out the evil, abusive, marxist, perverted, pro-pedophile perverts in California, unlike our own GOP politicians here.

Check out what she called Creepy, demonic State Senator Scott Wiener:

What is considerably outstanding is that Wiener acknowledges that LGBT activists are indeed groomers. Why else would he declare that the term is an “anti-LGBTQ hate word.”

LGBT agenda is based on grooming children, adults, and the public to accept this sexual perversion and disgrace. Scott Wiener literally pushed legislation that would allow sex offenders to abuse minors and avoid the sex offender registry. He has taken every step to normalize every controlled substance in the state, which would allow predators to ply minors and abuse them.

He is a pervert, he is a predator, and he is pro-pedophile, without any doubt.

We need more people in CALIFORNIA to speak out against this evil man.

For now, I am so grateful for Congresswoman Greene, that she could call him what he is: a communist groomer.

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