Call to Action, Arizona MassResistance
Save Women’s Sports, HB 2706

Hey, Arizona MassResistance!

In one of our previous email reports, all of you learned about MassResistance’s latest efforts in the state of Idaho. Despite a great deal of corporate and political pressure, Governor Brad Little signed into law two pieces of legislation to push back on the transgender insanity which has been harming men and women in general, and women’s sports in particular.

MassResistance is making the difference!

In Arizona, we have the opportunity to get a similar bill passed, just like in Idaho.

HB 2706, the Protect Women’s Sports Act

Even though the legislature has gone into recess because of the Coronavirus outbreak, staffers in the state legislature have informed us that they will be meeting on May 1st, 2020 to decide if they will continue the legislative session or end for the year.

The legislation has already passed the Arizona State House of Representatives. Currently, the legislation is still awaiting a committee assignment in the Arizona State Senate, then a final vote on the floor before going to Governor Doug Ducey’s desk.

Here’s what you can do to help get this bill passed:

Please contact the State Senate President Karen Fann. Tell her and her staff to get HB 2706 a committee assignment as soon as possible because you support this bill!

Email her:

Phone: (602) 926-5874

Please contact Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers. Please tell him to keep the state legislature open until HB 2706 is passed and on the Governor’s desk:

Call his office: (602) 926-3128

Please contact your state senator. Consult this website to find your state senator and contact information if you do not know already:

Find your legislative district:

State Legislators Contact Information:

Your State Senator represents the entire legislative district, so use the LD number to find your state senator.

Tell Governor Ducey to work with the legislature to stay open, and to sign HB 2706 when it comes to his desk:

Governor Doug Ducey: (602) 542-4331

Please tell your state senator, Senate President Fann, and Governor Doug Ducey to support the “Save Women’s Sports Act” HB 2706.

Here are the key talking points:

  1. This piece of legislation will keep biological males from competing against girls in sports. It’s so sad that it has come to this point in any state, but we need to take every step possible to ensure that the clear distinctions between male and female are respected and guarded.

  2. This legislation is common-sense, and should not be scuttled or rejected. It already passed out of the Arizona State House, but is awaiting a hearing in the State Senate.

  3. Transgenderism is a mental illness, not a civil right or a different form of being in the world. We should not be normalizing something that harms children.

  4. Transgenderism on children causes all kinds of horrific consequences, including depression, sterility, and other health complications. The state of Arizona must take every step to stop normalizing this abusive agenda.

We must not let this bill die just because of the Coronavirus problem which is putting legislatures on hold. This bill HB 2706 is a worthwhile opportunity to correct these abuses and stop the advance of this LGBT agenda in the Grand Canyon State.

Please contact me with any questions!

Arthur Schaper
MassResistance Organization Director

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