A Democrat Finally Breaks with DUI Dave… Will More Follow?
arrested for driving drunk in a government car, recklessly putting Californians’ lives in danger. In the time since, DUI Dave’s list of endorsers has remained deafeningly silent on whether or not they will still support his congressional bid.But one California Democrat is finally saying enough is enough: It’s been nearly two weeks since State Senator and CA-47 Candidate Dave Min was |
May 15, 2023 916/448-9496 Contact:
Andrew Solender, Axios, 5/15/23 “While we thank Dave Min for his service to the party, with his recent DUI he should immediately withdraw from the race. If it was a Republican candidate who got a DUI, Democrats would demand exactly that. Let’s not be hypocrites – join me in calling on Dave Min to quit the race.” So far, Californians are still hearing crickets from Min supporters on whether or not they stand by their endorsement or, following Rouda’s lead, think he should drop out of the race. Democrats who have yet to speak up include:
BOTTOM LINE: Min supporters have had enough time to think it over. Do they still endorse DUI Dave for Congress or think he should drop out of the race? Californians are waiting.