Jerry Brown says his climate plan is in danger. To lose would be a tragedy ‘for the world’sWith his international reputation as a climate leader at stake, Gov.
Jerry Brown moved Tuesday to defend his efforts to extend the state’s
cap-and-trade program, which the veteran Democrat described in an interview as
a crucial method to reduce emissions from greenhouse gases.
What about our wallets? What about constituents’ quality of life? What about the legacy that parent want to leave for their children?
“If we don’t get it, it’d be a tragedy for California, and for the
world,” Brown said. “Because from China, to the European Union, people are
looking to the California cap-and-trade program.”
The only thing that would be a tragedy would … allowing cap and trade to stay in place. That is the wrong approach. No way. No more taxes. No more chasing this Big Green rainbows toward environmental utopianism. We need to stand up to this nonsense. Brown and legislative leaders released legislation late Monday that
would extend the program through 2030, an effort to bring more stability to the
market it creates.
NO! We need to take down any legislator in Sacramento who pushes this garbage. No wonder men and women have no respect for elected officials, Democrat or Republican! The measures immediately generated criticism from the left.
Environmentalists and academics suggested the package was moving too far to the
right by making the program more palatable to industry.
How about not having a program at all? Forget what the Left thinks. They don’t even think. They are more interested in feeling, noth thinking, and they certainly do not seem inclined to working in league with the truth.
Diane Takvorian, a member of the state Air Resources Board aligned with
social and environmental justice movements, said it would put the board in
danger of missing its pollution-control mandates and will have a “devastating
impact on our climate.”
Notice how the social justice warriors have taken over even greater levers of power in state government. No wonder the state of California is in big trouble.
Added Amy Vanderwarker, co-director of the California Environmental
Justice Alliance: “We feel as a coalition that Big Oil is dictating climate
policy in California.”
“Environmental Injustice” is more like it.
While a vote on the package could come as soon as Thursday, Brown said
he isn’t sure whether it will pass, noting lawmakers from both sides of the
aisle represent districts with disparate priorities and constituencies, from
“dairy cows to oil rigs to electric companies.”
Good news: no package was forthcoming. Thursday has come and gine.
Bad news: the word in Sacramento is that the legislators have cobbled together another set of creepy, scuzzy compromises for a Monday vote. The floor votes always take place on Monday or Thursday. Let’s hope that more constituents, taxpayers, small businesses of all backgrounds will raise their voices and demand a no vote on this cap and crap nonsense.
“It’s very up in the air at this point,” he said in a telephone
interview with The Sacramento Bee. “We got Republican issues and we got
Democratic issues.”
Yes, kill it! If it’s Brown, flush it down! Republican leaders of both houses, whom Brown has said he’s counting on
to help the bill achieve the needed two-thirds margin in the Legislature, did
not react publicly Tuesday. The powerful Western States Petroleum Association
did not return calls and messages seeking comment.
Protect us all from the state legislature. When are we finally going to have men and women who are fighting for our rights, rather than scrambling to hold onto their per diems! The cap-and-trade bill includes a suspension of the state’s fire
prevention fee, a controversial charge on more than 800,000 property owners who
live in rural areas, as of July 1 to sweeten the pot for Republican lawmakers
long unhappy about the charge. It also exempts electric power companies from
paying the sales tax on equipment purchases, certain construction-related costs
and other expenses.
How about exempting ALL OF US?!
Not cap and trade! Shame on Chad Mayes and the rest of the GOP caucus if they cave on this. The hushed reaction, following weeks of intense, closed-door
negotiations, underscored the delicate nature of culling enough votes to win
passage for the complex, market-based program that has never been the preferred
method for some environmentalists. Seeking the extension through 2030, Brown
himself argued the industry would come pleading for cap and trade to avoid more
onerous commands that are less beneficial to their bottom lines.
There is nothing market based about that big green scam. It needs to be killed outright. No!
Over the last several weeks, observed Michael Wara, a professor of
environmental law at Stanford University who worked on a rival bill, “it’s been
interesting to see who really wants cap and trade.”
How about “nobody”?
“The answer is Gov. Jerry Brown,” Wara said. “And the industry has been
willing to exploit that … it’s written all over the bill.”
Thankfully, Jerry Brown will be gone for good, and we will never have to deal with his corrupt, decrepit legacy ever again. Let’s get rid of the Brown legacy once for all! Cap and trade requires polluters to obtain permits for the greenhouse
gases they emit as an incentive for companies to reduce their carbon footprint.
Homeowners, business owners, garden owners, everyone needs a permit just to live and breathe in California these days. When does this insanity stop? The legislation cements cap and trade’s status as the dominate way to
fight climate change and help the state reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40
percent from 1990 levels by 2030. It includes AB 398, by Assemblyman Eduardo
Garcia, D-Coachella, and AB 617, a separate measure on air quality from
Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, D-Bell Gardens.
How about neither one? How about we just throw the whole thing out and stop regulating CO2 like some bad gas. We all breathe it out, everyone! There is nothing to be worried about. Nothing. Several business organizations stretching from Silicon Valley to the
Sierra Nevada released statements Tuesday supporting Brown’s efforts, as did
some environmental groups.
To that end, Florez suggested it was “worth the vote” and “the best you
are going to get out of the Legislature.”It wasn’t too long ago that the governor and legislative leaders from
both parties were forced to meet the two-thirds threshold at least once a year
to enact a new state budget.
“It used to be the rite of summer in Sacramento,” said Bill Whalen, a
Hoover Institution research fellow and an aide to former Republican Gov. Pete
Wilson. “It was a lot of two sides staring at each other and a lot of bluff and
a lot of bravado.”
Now that Republicans are a diminishing breed and brand, one has to wonder what will be left of California before men and women have to start over and rebuild the destroyed, no longer Golden State.

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