Home ownership will have to wait for this DACA recipient
Notice how the title won’t mention that he is an illegal alien. Not even the standard media line “undocumented immigrant” is mentioned.

This caption appeared beneath a photo of this “poor illegal”:
Rodrigo Mendoza, 32, recently found out he was pre-approved for a house
loan but his plans to own a home are on hold now that DACA is being repealed in
Temecula Wednesday, September 20, 2017. (Frank Bellino, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
Rodrigo Mendoza has worked full-time as a pipe layer for four years,
enough to build up his credit to buy his first house.
How did this illegal get a full-time job? That’s a job that could have gone–which should have gone–to an American.
I refuse to accept the shoddy argument that illegal aliens are working jobs that no one else will work. There are plenty of Americans who want to work in trades like pipe laying. Why does our government tolerate this unjust abuse and disregard for the rule of law?! But becoming a homeowner will have to wait.
That’s a home that could be going to an American. Mendoza, 32, of Temecula, is a participant in the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program that has provided two-year renewable work
permits and deportation relief to about 800,000 young immigrants nationwide.
So now they media is trying to cover up their immigrant status as well as their lawless status in the country. Unbelievable. The Obama-era program, as announced Sept. 5, will be phased out in the
next six months, disrupting the future plans of Mendoza and other DACA
recipients who have made economic strides under this program.
Oh, Boo-Hoo for the poor illegal! His plans are all disrupted. Aww, poor baby!
And what about the 95 million Americans who were forced out of work? What about the Angel Moms and Dads who have lost their children to illegal aliens? What about all the other Americans displaced from public services? What about the tens of millions of taxpayers who are subsidizing the illegal alien invasion in this country?!
Who cares about the plight of these illegal aliens? The local press is not going to inspire any pity for lawbreakers. None.
“That was one of my biggest dreams, to buy my own house,” Mendoza said.
“Right now, I don’t want to do it. I’d rather wait to see what’s going to
happen.”Legislators are working to pass DREAM Act legislation that would allow
certain undocumented youth a pathway to U. S. citizenship.
Uh … nope. The temporary DACA program, which Obama enacted in 2012 as an executive
order, allowed people who arrived in the United States before age 16, and who
met certain other criteria, to receive Social Security numbers and defer
WHAT? Social security numbers for illegal aliens, but will there be social security payments for the American citizens who paid into the system? What about their needs? What about their dreams?! Under DACA, thousands of young immigrants have had the opportunity to
go to college, buy homes and pursue promising careers.
Not “immigrants”! They are illegal aliens! A new report led by UC San Diego professor Tom K. Wong shows that DACA
beneficiaries have made significant contributions to the economy by earning higher
wages, buying cars and purchasing homes.
Nope. The study, which surveyed 3,063 DACA recipients in 46 states, found
that 69 percent of respondents reported moving to a job with better pay. The
average hourly wage of participants increased by 69 percent since receiving
DACA, rising from $10.29 to $17.46.
Well, well, well. They study simply reported what the DACA brats answered to a series of questions. Did anyone fact-check their statements? Did anyone follow up on their activities?
Nope. This “study” is hardly scientific, lacking in clear viability metrics. And nearly 65 percent reported purchasing their first car, while 23
percent of respondents 25 or older reported buying a home, according to the
study released in late August.
They said that they purchased a car. Why are they allowed to have a car in the first place? They shouldn’t even be in the country! Undocumented immigrants, however, don’t need DACA to buy a home. They
can access mortgages with their tax identification numbers, said Erick Sosa, a
mortgage loan officer in Corona. They just need more money up front, he said.
This is outrageous! It should be a crime! We need E-Verify for home loans as well as for job applications! Those who enter a loan program using their tax identification numbers
typically need a larger down payment, Sosa said.
Then we need to pass a law to ensure that that identification number is no longer a valid form of ID–for anything! That may be a problem as DACA beneficiaries may be more hesitant to
spend money if their job situation is unclear.
How about going back to your home countries?! Then come in legally. What a bunch of garbage. The whole economic argument is flawed since it is fundamentally immoral. Giovanni Peri, professor of economics at UC Davis, said he expects some
DACA beneficiaries will be discouraged from tapping their savings.
Maybe Congress should pass a different set of civil asset forfeiture laws. For all illegal aliens in the United States who have opened up bank accounts, they will watch the feds seize the funding and use the money to help build the wall!”There will be people who will invest less and buy less,” Peri said. Some real estate agents, however, believe DACA recipients should invest
in a home while the program is still active.
Wow! How greedy and corrupt can one get?! Agent Jairo Arreola, who manages the “DACA Home Loan” Facebook page,
recently initiated a marketing campaign to alert DACA beneficiaries they can
still qualify for home loans.
This page should be shut down. This is a corrupt practice at the very outset. Unfathomable that such practices are permitted! Arreola pre-screens prospective clients, checking credit and employment
history, and then forwards them to a financing agency still lending to DACA
recipients. Arreola, who is based in Northern California, said many beneficiaries
of the program are wary because they don’t want to be stuck with a mortgage if
there is no legislative fix once the program is phased out.
“At least right now, you’re able to get something,” Arreola said.
“Worst case scenario, you might have to sell it, but at the same time you might
be able to get some equity.”For Mendoza, though, lack of financial stability is not the issue. He said he’s not worried about finding jobs once his permit expires
next November. In his field of work, not all employers ask for work
authorization, he said.
Notice how the report does NOT mention the kind of work that Mendoza does. I think it’s time for an illegal alien crackdown! This is a total joke. No illegal aliens in our work force. Everyone who seeks employment in the United States must be a legal residents, whether born or naturalized. DACA has mostly helped him build his credit. He has the money to pay
for a home. What concerns him is the risk of deportation. The money he puts in as a
down payment would go to waste if he is deported, he said.
“Just dropping $15,000 with this situation that’s happening … I don’t
feel comfortable,” Mendoza said. “It’s too much money.”Final Reflection
I am just disgusted with the clear-cut propagandizing of the local press toward illegal aliens.
This is just crazy. Why do I give a damn how the illegal aliens caught up in an unconstitutional program feel about anything? They need to leave this country, return to their own country, and either make their home country a better place or enter the United States legally.
This is so much hokum. What are these narrow-minded press agents and corporate sponsors thinking? Do they really believe that the hardworking people in the United States, especially in California, are going to fall all over themselves to pity these illegals?
We saw what they did to Nancy Pelosi last week. For all of us pro-American Trump supporters in California, we have lived with their brazen, arrogant lawlessness for decades, and we are ready for our laws to enforced and our national sovereignty respected.
Sorry, liberal media! You lose again!

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